2.457. Dari hasil verifikasi di atas, diharapkan guru dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme mereka dalam mengajar pengucapan dengan menggunakan Audio-Lingual Metode. English : AKRO GINANJAR. "The Effect of Using Audio - Lingual Method toward the Students' English Pronunciation Achievement (An Experimental Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department of Pancasakti University Tegal in Academic Year 2010-2011)". Thesis 2011. Strata 1 Program Teacher Training and Education faculty of Pancasakti University Tegal. Key word: Audio-Lingual Method, English Pronunciation Achievement Pronunciation is basicly aims of speaking skill. So, we must master it at first to master speaking skill. But it need better way to master it. The writer use the Audio-lingual method as the best way in learning pronunciation. The objective of the research is to find out whether there is or there is no positive effect of using Audio-Lingual Method toward the Students' English Pronunciation achievement of the third semester students of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Pancasakti University Tegal. The population of this research is all of the third semester students of English Education Department. The number of population is 198 students. Accordingly, this research takes fourty students as the sample of the research. For the comparison in this research, the writer uses the English pronunciation test to test Experiment group and to test Control group. The t-test is used to find out the effect of using of Audio-Lingual Method to the students' English pronunciation achievement. The result of mean score shows that the t-data = 3,189 is higher than the t table = 2,457, at significance level 1%. It indicates that the hypothesis of the research is accepted. The conclusion is based on the research findings: There is positive effect of using Audio-Lingual Method toward the students' English pronunciation achievement of English Education Department of Teaching Training and Education Faculty of Pancasakty University Tegal. It is supported by the value of t-test which is higher than t-table, 3,189>2,457. From the result of verification above, it is expected that teacher can improve their professionalism in teaching pronunciation by using Audio-Lingual Method." />