ttabel). Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara kompensasi (X) terhadap produktivitas kerja (Y). Besarnya koefisien korelasi (r) variabel kompensasi diperoleh harga r = 0,667. Artinya terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara kompensasi dengan produktivitas di Swalayan "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan "Terdapat hubungan antara kompensasi pada produktivitas di Swalayan "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes" diterima. Dari hasil perhitungan pengujian hipotesis korelasi ternyata diperoleh thitung = 2,827, sedangkan ttabel = 2,228, sehingga di dapat (thitung > ttabel), dengan demikian Ho ditolak berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel kompensasi terhadap variabel produktivitas kerja. Besarnya r2 pada analisis koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,444. Dengan demikian berarti total variasi produktifitas yang dijelaskan model hubungan antara variabel produktifitas dengan variabel kompensasi adalah sebesar 44,4 % sedangkan 55,6 % oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak bisa dijelaskan. English : Syamsul Falah. The Influence of Compensation to Productivity of Employees in Supermarkets "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. Final Project. Faculty of Economics, Pancasakti University Tegal. 2011. The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of Compensation for Employee Productivity in Supermarkets "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. The hypothesis of this study is thought to affect the productivity of Compensation for Employees in Supermarkets "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. The problem faced in this research is how to influence Productivity Compensation for Employees in Supermarkets "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. Methods of data collection in this study id documentation. While the analytical methods used were linear regression analysis, ? test, analysis, correlation coefficient, ? test, and analysis of coefficient of determination.. From the regression equation indicates that the value b = 0.903 is positive, thus meaning there is a positive relationship between compensation (X) to work productivity (Y). Constants for 555,192,797.499 means that if the compensation fixed, the productivity of employees amounted to Rp. 555,192,797.499. In other words if there is no additional compensation which means no overtime, then the productivity or turnover obtained by the Supermarkets "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes was Rp. 555,192,797.499. regression X coefficient of 0.903 states that each additional compensation of Rp. 1000, will increase the productivity of labor-turnover supermarkets Rp. 903, -. From the calculation of ? obtained tcount test of 2.827. Thus, Ho is rejected and it can be concluded that there is significant influence between compensation (X) to work productivity (Y). The amount of correlation coefficient (r) variable rates of compensation obtained r = 0.667. This means that there is a strong relationship between compensation and productivity in the Supermarket ""Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes. It can be concluded that the hypothesis which states "There is relationship between compensation on productivity in the Supermarket "Nah Dia" Nusantara Brebes was accepted. From the calculation results of hypothesis testing of correlation was obtained t count = 2.827, while ttable = 2,228, so that in the can (tcount> ttable), thus Ho was rejected means that there is a significant relationship between variable compensation to variable labor productivity. The amount on the analysis of coefficient of determination r2 of 0.444. Thus the mean total productivity variation model described the relationship between productivity variables with variable compensation amounted to 44.4% while 55.6% by other factors that can not be explained." />