2,086) Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa "Direct Method Berpengaruh Positip Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Larangan 01 Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 ". English : Moh. Irwandi 2010. The Influence Direct Method On The Fifth Grade Student's Vocabulary Achievement Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010. Thesis. English Education. English Department Faculty Of Teacher Training and Education. Pancasakti University. Keywords: Direct Method in Teaching and Learning, Learning Achievement Of English Vocabulary. There are several factors that affect student learning outcomes such as direct method in teaching and learning (PBM). The teacher is one component of teaching and plays an important role in teaching and learning. From this fact, the writer researcher is interested in conducting research on " The Influence Direct Method on The Fifth Grade Student's Vocabulary Achievement Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010 Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010." Issues that are examined in this study are: (1) Is use to learning's method influence of teachers 'level of creativity in teaching and learning achievement of the learning of English vocabulary, (2) How is influence of teachers' level of Direct Method in teaching and learning of English vocabulary learning outcomes, (3) Is the Direct Method will increase students' English vocabulary on The Fifth Grade Student's Vocabulary Achievement Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010 ?". This study aims of research is Therefore, the Direct Method Gives Positive Impact on The Influence of Teacher's Creativity on The Fifth Grade Student's Vocabulary Achievement Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010". This study aims to: 1) understand how the influence of teachers 'level of Direct Method in teaching and learning achievement of the learning of English vocabulary, 2) Are there any influence of teachers' level of Direct Method in teaching and learning of English vocabulary learning outcomes. The population in this study are all students of the fifth year of SD Negeri Larangan 01 Brebes which the total number is 50 students. The rearcher only takes 40 students as the sample of the research randomly. They are divided into two groups, 20 groups as the experimental group are teach vocabulary with direct method and 20 students as the control group are teach vocabulary with grammar translation method. Data analysis using t-test, the analysis shows that the significant level 5% was obtained 5.1797 with t-count degrees of freedom (20) obtained t-table 0.687, so t-test bigger than t-table (5.179 > 2.086 ). It can be concluded that " The Direct Method Gives Positive Impact on The Influence on The Fifth Grade Student's Vocabulary Achievement Semester II Elementary School of Larangan Brebes 01 in Academic Year 2009/2010"." />