r tabel, ini berarti ada korelasi antara variabel X terhadap variabel Y. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penghitungan uji t-test dan diperoleh hasil t hitung = 5,905, sedangkan t tabel sebesar 2,021 pada taraf signifikan 5% untuk N 45. Sehingga t hitung > t tabel, artinya ada pangaruh positif antara variabel X terhadap variabel Y. Besarnya pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y adalah 63,5%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan : 1) ada korelasi positif antara variabel X dan variabel Y, 2) ada pengaruh siginifikan variabel X terhadap variabel Y, 3) besarnya pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y adalah 63,5%, sedangkan 26,5%-nya merupakan faktor lain, seperti : kurangnya kesejahteraan terhadap pegawai, kurang optimalnya fungsi monitoring dan evaluasi dai pimpinan, dan kurangnya keteladanan dari pejabat pemerintah lainnya. Dari kesimpulan itu dapat penulis sarankan : 1) dalam rangka menjalankan sebuah organisasi / unit kerja agar kerja pegawai lebih efektif perlu penerapan fungsi koordinasi secara optimal, 2) perlu ditingkatkan pelaksanaan monitor dan evaluasi secara maksimal agar efektifitas kerja dapat tercapai; Kata Kunci : Koordinasi, Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai English : Name : Endang Kadarwati, NPM : 2107501260, Title : Coordination Effect toward the Effectiveness of Employee Working in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang Office at 2010. The essence problem in this research is : " How is the coordination effect toward the effectiveness of employee working in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang office ? The purpose of the research is : 1) to know the value of employee coordination in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang office of Kabupaten Pekalongan, 2) to know the value of effectiveness employee in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang office of Kabupaten Pekalongan, and 3) to know the effect of coordination toward the effectiveness employee working in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang office Kabupaten Pekalongan. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative research through description correlation and t-test. The research has been conducted in UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang office. The population of this research is all staff office UPT Pendidikan Kandangserang which and amount of seventeen people, and all the Headmaster Elementary School Kandangserang which is amount of twenty eight people, so that the totally population is forty five people. This research variable consist of independent variable (X) that is coordination, and dependent variable (Y) that is the effectiveness of employee working. The technique of collecting data is questioner. The technique of data analysis by using the correlation product moment to find the relation of both variables, and then it is continued by t-test to determine the effect of X variable toward Y variable. The result of hyphotesis is the value of correlation r count 0,797, meanwhile r table 0,294 with the significant 5% and N 45. Therefore r count > r table, it means that there is a correlation between X variable toward Y variable. Then, it is continued by counting of t-test and the result is t count = 5,095, meanwhile t table 2,021 with the significant 5% for N 45. So that t count > t table, it means that there is positive effect between X variable toward Y variable. The amount of effect X variable toward Y variable is 63,5%. Therefore it can be concluded that : 1) there is positive correlation between X variable and Y variable, 2) there is significant effect X variable toward Y variable, 3) the amount of X variable toward Y variable is 63,5%, meanwhile the rest of 26,5% is the other factor, such as : the lack of worthiness toward employee, the less function of monitoring and evaluation by the leader, the less of reflection from the government. From the conclusion, the writer can give some advice : 1) by running the organization, it is necessary to optimize the coordination function in order to be more effective of the employee working, 2) it is necessary to improve monitoring and evaluation in order to the effectiveness working can be reached. Word key : Coordination, Effectiveness Employee Working" />