r tabel (0,918 > 0,279), hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ternyata nilai r hitung lebih besar r tabel pada taraf signifikan 5% yang berarti dapat dikatakan bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan : "Menonton film laga mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap agresivitas peserta didik Kelas VI SD Negeri Limbangan 01 Kecamatan Kersana Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" adalah menerima dan ditolak hipotesis nihil. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa menonton film laga mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap agresivitas peserta didik Kelas VI SD Negeri Limbangan 01 Kecamatan Kersana Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini di antaranya adalah perlu peningkatan intensitas pelaksanaan bimbingan pribadi dan bimbingan sosial / kelompok di SD Negeri Limbangan 01 Kecamatan Kersana Kabupaten Brebes untuk mengantisipasi atau minimal untuk mengurangi potensi munculnya perilaku agresif dari pengaruh kebiasaan menonton film laga di televisi. English : DIAN PUJI ASTUTI, NPM. 1107500815. 2010. "Influence Look On The Fight Film of To Educative Competitor Aggressiveness of Class VI in SD Country Limbangan 01 Sub district of Kersana of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010", Majors of Tuition and counseling, Faculty of Teacher ship and Science of Education of University of Pancasakti of Tegal. Keyword: Influence look on the fight film, competitor aggressiveness educated. This research target is to know the influence look on the fight film to aggressiveness of competitor of class of VI SD Country Limbangan 01 Sub district of Kersana of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010. Population in this research is entire/all student of class of VI SD Country Pan 01 Subdistrict of Kersana of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010 a number of 66 competitor educated. Sampel in this research 50 competitor educated. intake Sampel done/conducted by using random sampling with the toss technique. Technique of data collecting used by is questioner and interview the. Technique analyzes the data use the formula of correlation of product moment. From data analysis result, found rcount = 0,918 then rcount consultation with value r table in standard significant 5% got r table = 0,279. so r count > r table (0,918 > 0,279, this matters shows that obvious value r count bigger r table in standard significant 5% that mean can be said that alternative hypothesis (Ho) that declares: " watch film fights has influence significant towards entrant aggressiveness educates class VI SD country Limbangan 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010" get and aversed hypothesis nil. Its conclusion is that look on the fight film have the influence which significant to competitor aggressiveness educated by Class of VI SD Country Limbangan 01 Sub district of Kersana of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010. Suggestion which can be submitted/sent from this research result among other things is need of improvement of personal tuition execution intensity and social tuition in SD Country Limbangan 01 Sub district of Kersana of Regency Brebes to anticipate or minimize to lessen the behavioral appearance potency is aggressive the than habit influence look on the fight film in television." />