ttabel 2,178 sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan konseling kelompok sangat efektif dalam mengatasi stres siswa. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, maka hipotesis nihil yang berbunyi: "Konseling kelompok tidak berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan mengatasi stres pada siswa kelas IX E SMP Negeri 1 Bantarkawung tahun pelajaran 2010/2011" dinyatakan ditolak; dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang berbunyi: "Konseling kelompok berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan mengatasi stres bagi remaja pada siswa kelas IX E SMP Negeri 1 Bantarkawung tahun pelajaran 2010/2011". Saran yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini di antaranya adalah para guru hendaknya melakukan bimbingan belajar dengan seefektif mungkin supaya dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dasar belajar siswa karena dengan konseling kelompok yang efektif dapat menciptakan motivasi belajar yang baik. English : Aminah, NPM. 1108501119. 2011. Group counseling effectiveness to overcome stress in entrant educates class IX E SMP country 1 Bantarkawung regency brebes school year 2010/2011. Guidance direction and counseling, teacher ship faculty and university education science Pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: group counseling, overcome stress. Military overshadows from phenomenon stress in entrant educates seen clearly in school activity at class and association entrants educates. this matter has caused entrant has educated class IXE that lazy/satisfied follow lesson has liked satisfied and confused, several entrants educates impressing follow lesson but when given their question not understand absolutely, and entrant permission quantity educates to doesn't follow lesson with ill complaint. This watchfulness aim what's effective group counseling to overcomes stress in entrant educates class IXE SMP country 1 Bantarkawung school year 2010/2011? "if effective, how great group counseling effectiveness to overcome stress in entrant educate class IXE SMP country 1 Bantarkawung school year 2010/2011. Population in this watchfulness all entrants educate class IX E SMP country 1 Bantarkawung that number 43 entrants educate. sample in this watchfulness appointed 12 entrants educates that present in stage stress tall, and low from measurement scale analysis result stress. Sample taking is done with random technique sampling that is sample taking at random or random. Data collecting method that used inquiry, observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis technique uses t-test. From analysis result and hypothesis testing in watchfulness sample be got t-hitung 5,776 > t-tabel 2,178 so that can be said that group counseling execution very effective in overcome stress student. based on calculation, so hypothesis nil that sound: " group counseling not influential to increase overcome stress in class student IX E SMP country 1 Bantarkawung school year 2010/2011" declared to averred; and get alternative hypothesis that sounds: " influential group counseling to increase overcomes stress for adolescent in class student IX E SMP country 1 Bantarkawung school year 2010/2011" . Suggestion that communicable from this watchfulness result among others teachers should do guidance learn with as effective as may be so that can increase concept comprehension base learn student because with effective group counseling can create motivation learn well." />