r tabel = 0,361. Maka dengan hasil tersebut menyatakan "Terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan antara pelaksanan Konseling Agama dan Penanaman budi pekerti pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011". Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disampaikan saran sebagai berikut: Hendaknya selalu memberikan dukungan terhadap pelaksanaan layanan konseling agama yang dilaksanakan oleh guru BK dalam hal ini diharapkan selalu dapat memberi dorongan, motivasi dan bimbingan agar siswa/individu bisa menerapkan penanaman budi pekerti dengan baik. English : HIDAYATI, NURUL. NPM. 2011. "Effectiveness Religion Counselling Service In Embedded Class Student Character VIII SMP Country 3 Regencies Brebes School Year 2010/2011", guidance direction and counselling, teachership faculty and university education science pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: Religion Counselling, Character This watchfulness is melatar overshadows, religion values depreciation that has excelsior child caused by enter it globalization era, while religion lesson applications at school less payed. Assorted foreign culture that appears electronic media circle often imitated in general in pupil. Therefore character value at school environment necessary applied bot merely religion subject teacher but also by counselling guidance teacher so that character value in student more gooder. This watchfulness aim 1) to detect religion counselling service execution in class student VIII SMP country 3 regency's brebes school year 2010/2011. 2) To detect character planting passes religion counselling service in class student VIII SMP Country 3 Regencies Brebes School Year 2010/2011. Population in this watchfulness class student VIII SMP Country 3 Regencies Brebes School Year 2010/2011 as much as 120 students. Sample that taken in this watchfulness 25% from population total that numbers 120 students that is 120 x 25% = 30. So sample in this watchfulness 30 students. Data collecting technique that used quesioner and interview. Data analysis technique uses formula prosentase score and correlation product moment. From analysis calculation presentase score to detect description in every variable got variable guidance learns student in good enough category that proved from watchfulness result in tall criteria 17 students (56,66%, declare in tall criteria. while character planting in class student viii at smp country 3 kab. brebes school year 2010/2011 belong to in tall category with performance 63,33% amount of 19 students. and correlation result inferential found influence significant in religion counselling execution towards character planting in class student VIII at SMP country 3 kab. brebes school year 2010/2011, with result r count = 0,708 > r table = 0,361. So with the result declare "terdapat influence according to significant between execution religion counselling and character planting in class student VIII at SMP country 3 regencies brebes school year 2010/2011". From this watchfulness result communicable suggestion as follows: Should always give support towards religion counselling service execution that carried out by teacher BK in this case supposed always can give push, motivation and guidance so that student/individual can apply character planting well." />