0,396, dengan demikian hipotesis nihil (Ho) yang mengemukakan "Tidak ada pengaruh intensitas layanan bimbingan belajar terhadap motivasi berprestasi siswa kelas V SD N 2 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang tahun pelajaran 2009/2010" ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif (Ha) "Ada pengaruh intensitas layanan bimbingan belajar terhadap motivasi berprestasi siswa kelas V SD N 2 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang tahun pelajaran 2009/2010" Selain itu ditemukan juga Layanan bimbingan belajar yang dilaksanakan secara intensif dapat meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi siswa dalam kategori cukup, distribusi frekuensi pengaruh sebesar 44% berada dikategori cukup, lalu untuk mengetahui motivasi berprestasi siswa dalam kategori tinggi, distribusi frekuensi sebesar 48% berada dikategori tinggi. Saran yang direkomendasikan adalah agar diupayakan peningkatan layanan bimbingan belajar agar siswa bisa mengaktualisasi diri sehingga peserta didik termotivasi untuk berprestasi dalam belajar. English : MULYADI, YUDI, 2010. NPM: 1106500315. Thesis title "The intensity of Tutoring Services to the Achievement Motivation Class V SD N 02 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010". Keywords: Tutoring and Student Achievement Motivation Tutoring services in the formation of improving student achievement motivation, achievement motivation through the student will be able to develop themselves in overcoming the problem in the study. Tutoring services can be made in one of the options in the provision of assistance to students as a way to add hours of lessons, and motivating students and other ways that do to increase children's ability to avoid difficulty in learning. The problems posed in this research is whether there is effect of Tutoring Service Intensity of Student Achievement Motivations Class V SD N 02 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010. The purpose of this study was to find out intensive tutoring services in improving the students 'achievement motivation and achievement motivation to know the students and the influence of the intensity of tutoring services to students' achievement motivation and grade V SD N 2 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang academic year 2009/2010. The population in this study are all fifth grade students of 25 students, the sample was set at 25 students as respondents. Sampling techniques are used in a manner proportional sampling. Data collection method used is the questionnaire method as a primary method, while method as the method of interviews and supporting documentation. From the results of data analysis, found rcount of 0.430. Count value is consulted on rtable, N = 25, the price of a product moment r critique significant level of 5% is obtained 0.396. This shows that in fact greater than rtable rcount ie 0.430> 0.396, thus the null hypothesis (Ho), which suggests "There is no influence of the intensity of tutoring services to students' achievement motivation and grade V SD N 2 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang academic year 2009/2010" rejected and accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha) "There is a tutoring service intensity influences on achievement motivation of elementary school students in grade V N 2 Kalirandu Petarukan Pemalang academic year 2009/2010" Also found tutoring services also are carried out intensively to improve student achievement in the category of motivation enough, the influence of the frequency distribution of 44% were classified as adequate, and to know the students' achievement motivation in higher categories, the frequency distribution by 48% were classified as high. The recommended advice is sought improvement for tutoring services for students can actualize themselves so that learners are motivated to excel in learning." />