rtabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (0,900 > 0,312) dan 1% (0,900) 0,403. Dengan kontribusi mencapai 0,9002 = 0,81 x 100% = 81%, sedangkan 19% merupakan faktor lain yang tidak penulis teliti. Saran yang diberikan yaitu guru hendaknya dapat menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan tentang Bimbingan Pribadi di sekolah. Orang tua hendaknya memberikan motivasi yang cukup pada siswa agar siswa dapat meningkatkan etika baik di rumah maupun di sekolah. English : YOGA, Hardin WIJAKSONO.NPM.l 106500252.Skripsi.2011. "Program Guidance and Counselling Guidance Personal Influence of Increased Individual Ethics in Class IX SMP Negeri I Wanasari Academic Year 2010/2011". Tier 1 Program Guidance and Counselling Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Pancasakti Tegal. Keywords: Private Tutoring and Individual Ethics Problems found in how the implementation of personal guidance, how the image of Individual Ethics, and whether there is a positive and significant influence between the personal guidance of the Ethics Individuals in class IX students of SMP Negeri I Wanasari Academic Year 2010/2011. This study aims to determine the Implementation of Personal Tutoring. To know the description of Individual Ethics and determine whether there is a significant and positive effect between the personal guidance of the ethics of individuals in class IX students of SMP Negeri I Wanasari Academic Year 2010/2011. The size of the population in this study were 327 students, while the depth of this sample of 40 students. The sampling technique that researchers use in this study are proportional sampling technique with a reason for each and every sub-populations are represented in this study. Collection methods in this study the authors used a questionnaire as the principal method and observation, interviews and documentation is a method of supporting. With the aim of taking data for the data collected can really be trusted or accounted for righteousness. While the data collected in selanjurnya if by using the formula alpha and cronbach descriptive analysis and product moment formula. The result of the percentage of descriptive personal guidance has the highest percentage in the high criteria of 37, 5%, while for the results of the percentage of descriptive ethics of individuals having the highest percentage is very high on the criterion of 35%. Based on the analysis results obtained have significant influence and positive personal guidance on improving individual ethics in class IX students of SMP Negeri I Wanasari 2010/2011 school year, we can see based on the results of the analysis and rhitung> rtabel at 5% significance level (0.900> 0.312) and 1% (0.900) 0.403. With contribution reachs 0,9002 = 0, 81% x 100% = 81% while 19% is other factor which writer doesn't check. Advice given that teachers should be able to explain the intent and purpose of Personal Tutoring in school. Parents should provide enough motivation in students so that students can improve ethics both at home and at school. Students should be creative in thinking, keep the attitude and behavior in accordance with the norms that exist within families, schools and communities, and to realize that a student must perform his duty as a student." />