1,70). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian ini diterima. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan menulis karangan deskripsi berteknik jigsaw lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan yang tidak menggunakan pembelajaran berteknik jigsaw. English : ARUM KURNIATI, MAELINA.2011. "The Effectiveness Writing Descriptive Text Using Jigsaw Technique toward Students'of X SMK Negeri 1 Bumijawa Tegal in Academic Year 2009/2010 ". Thesis. Indonesian Education and the Region. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. University Pancasakti Tegal. First Advisors: Drs. Bowo Hermaji, M.Pd.; Second Advisors II: Sutji Muljani, M. Hum. Key word: Writing Descriptive Text, Jigsaw Technique Writing skills is one of the language skills which are the goal every language teaching in schools. Although activity is often made students write every day, there are many students of SMK Negeri 1Bumijawa Tegal not yet skilled to write well. This can be seen in every school activity aren't a lot of bored students following this lessons. Therefore, this research is done in order to find other alternatives, in deliver writing learning through the method of jigsaw. The populations of this study are all of students of class X Vocational School I Bumijawa, with a population of 187 students. The study took the class X TMO 3 as the study sample with the number of 40 students, which is used as an experimental class 20 and class 20 for the study controls. . This data was obtained from the pretest and posttest results. Analysis of data from research analysis was tested using t test non-independent. Based on the analysis of writing essays with t-test 5.25 while t-table value for significance level 0.05 and dk = 20 +20-2 = 1.70. It shows a difference that t-test is bigger than t-table, namely (5.25> 1.70). This indicates that this research hypothesis acceptable. Thus, it can be concluded that the writing descriptive text using jigsaw technique more effective compared with not using learning jigsaw technique." />