ttabel = 2,000 yang berarti hipotesis nihil yang menyatakan "Tidak ada pengaruh pentaatan peraturan peserta didik kelas VIII SMP N 3 Brebes Kabupaten Brebes Tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 sebelum dan setelah efektifitas bimbingan pribadi" adalah ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang menyatakan "Ada pengaruh pentaatan peraturan peserta didik kelas VIII SMP N 3 Brebes Kabupaten Brebes Tahun pelajaran 2010/2011". Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa ada pengaruh pentaatan peraturan peserta didik kelas VIII SMP N 3 Brebes Kabupaten Brebes Tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 setelah efektifitas bimbingan pribadi. Saran yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini di antaranya adalah seharusnya Guru BK melaksanakan bimbingan pribadi lebih bertanggung jawab dan maksimal agar mampu mengajarkan peserta didiknya tentang tata tertib sekolah sehingga peserta didik dapat meningkatkan pentaatan peraturan sekolahnya. English : AGUSSALMAH. NPM. 1107500829.2011. "Study towards affectivities individual guidance in obeys school regulation at SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes (analytic descriptive study entrants educates class VIII semester odd school year 2010/2011)" , guidance direction and counseling, teacher ship faculty and university education science Pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: individual guidance, obey regulation. Internal issue background this research is entrant quantity educates at SMP N 3 Brebes less discipline, go to school stills as delicious as it self, proved clock 07.00 still there trip; even they are there expressly still to sits intersection road. is stilling many being met entrant is educating that is truanting, doesn't do task properly, doesn't bring textbook and still many the other infringements. This watchfulness aim 1) wants to detect level configuration entrant regulation educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011. 2) want to detect individual guidance benefit for entrant educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011.3) want to detect affectivities individual guidance towards configuration entrant regulation educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011 before and after individual guidance. Population in this watchfulness entrant educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011 that number 324 entrants educate. Sample magnitude in this watchfulness appointed 18% from population total that is 18% x 324 = 58,32 respondents is rounded off 60 respondents. Data collecting technique that used questioner and interview. Data analysis technique uses formula presents score and t-test. From calculation t test got value t-count as big as 5,564. value t-count then consulate with t-table in standard significant (0,5) ? 5 % with degree of freedom n-1 or 60 - 1 = 59 where got t-table = 2,000 obvious t-count = 5,564 > t-table = 2,000 that mean hypothesis nil that declare" there is no influence configuration entrant regulation educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011 before and after affectivities individual guidance" averred and get alternative hypothesis that declares" there influence configuration entrant regulation educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011" . The conclusion that there is influence configuration entrant regulation educates class VIII SMP N 3 Brebes regency Brebes school year 2010/2011 after affectivities individual guidance. Suggestion that communicable from this watchfulness result among others should teacher BK carry out individual guidance more responsible and maximal so that can to teach entrant educative about school discipline so that entrant educates can increase configuration the school regulation." />