. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan jika hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dapat diterima. Bearti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara prestasi belajar materi demokrasi dengan sikap demokrasi siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Sawojajar 02 Kecamatan Wanasari Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011. English : SUPIATUN. 2011. At Achievement Learning Materials Subject Democratic Citizenship Education and Democracy Student Attitudes Class VI Elementary District 02 Sawojajar Wanasari Brebes Academic Year 2010/2011. Skripsi.Pendidikan Pancasila and Citizenship. Drs. Nurcholis, M.Pd. Dra. Tity Kusrina, M.Pd. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Pancasakti Tegal. Keywords: Achievements, Attitudes and Democracy Indonesia is expected to increasingly move towards a democratic state. Through education, citizens are expected to establish a democratic and responsible manner that is reflected in attitudes and behavior. These objectives can be achieved by equipping students to the material of democracy. Based on this background, can be obtained by formulation of the problem "whether there is a significant relationship between learning achievement in the matter of democracy with democracy stance Class VI student elementary district 02 Sawojajar Wanasari Brebes Academic Year 2010/2011?". Giving democracy material on students' learning approaches conducted by an appropriate condition of students. Then to find out students' mastery of the material, used formative evaluation of student achievement value. Value of student achievement are good in the material of democracy, students are expected to increasingly understand the values of democracy are realized with an attitude. This is a frame of mind in this study. While the purpose of this study was to obtain information about the relationship between learning achievement in the material of democracy with democracy student attitudes. Based on the theoretical foundation and frame of mind, the hypothesis in this study can be formulated as follows: no significant relationship between learning achievement of democracy in the subject matter of civic education and democratic attitudes Class VI student elementary district 02 Sawojajar Wanasari Brebes Academic Year 2010/2011. The population in this study are all Class VI student elementary district 02 Sawojajar Wanasari Brebes Academic Year 2010/2011 with 42 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires to find out the attitude of student democracy. While the data analysis techniques used were the chi-square statistics. The results with chi-square values obtained at 7,58 (the value ). To test the hypothesis that value be consulted on the table the critical value of chi-square distribution. In the table the critical value of chi-square distribution. the critical value = 1 and significance level obtained . So we got the result value > .. It can be concluded if the hypothesis in this study can be accepted. Means that there is a significant correlation between the achievement of democracy matter in a manner sixth grade elementary school student democracy Sawojajar 02 Sub Wanasari Brebes Academic Year 2010/2011." />