rtabel 0,709. Dengan demikian maka Hipotesis Nihil yang menyatakan : "Tidak terdapat pengaruh pembentukan kemandirian terhadap kegiatan gerakan pramuka Kelas VI SDN Pende 01 Kecamatan Kersana Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" adalah ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang menyatakan "Terdapat pengaruh pembentukan kemandirian terhadap kegiatan gerakan pramuka Kelas VI SDN Pende 01 Kecamatan Kersana Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010". Diharapkan guru pembimbing dan konseling dapat mengetahui efektifias kegiatan gerakan pramuka siswa dengan seefektif mungkin supaya dapat meningkatkan pembentukan kemandirian karena kegiatan gerakan pramuka siswa dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan kemandirian di sekolah. English : Zaenal Arifin. 1107500811.2010. Thesis. Guidance teacher character in independence formation passes class student Boy Scout movement activity VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010. Drs. Sukoco Kw, Suriswo, S.Pd. M.Pd. teacher ship faculty and university education science pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: Guide, Independence Formation. Formulation in this watchfulness how affectivities teacher character in independence formation pass class student Boy Scout movement activity VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010. Aim from this watchfulness detects affectivities teacher character in independence formation passes class student boy scout movement activity VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010. Population in this watchfulness is that is entire class students VI SD country Pende district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010 that numbers 40 students, sample magnitude in this watchfulness appointed 20 % from population total that is 20 % x 40 = 8 respondents. Boy scout movement activity in class student VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes in category" very effective" that is amount of 5 students or 62,5 % in category very effective. Guidce teacher character in class student independence formation VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes in category" very effective" that is amount of 3 students or 37,5 % in category very effective. Data analysis from watchfulness result then be tested by using formula product moment so knowable that correlation existence significant between independence formation towards this matter boy scout movement activity visible from value rcount = 0,816 > rtable 0,709. thereby so hypothesis nil that declare: " not found independence formation influence towards class boy scout movement activity VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010" averred and get alternative hypothesis that declares" found independence formation influence towards class boy scout movement activity VI SDN Pende 01 district Kersana regency Brebes school year 2009/2010". Supposed guide teacher can detect effectives student Boy Scout movement activity with as effective as may be so that can increase independence formation because student boy scout movement activity can influence independence formation at school." />