0,312 maka hipotesis kerja (Ho) yang berbunyi "Tidak ada Korelasi antara Bimbingan Belajar dengan Kreatifitas Siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Kalenpanden Kecamatan Songgom Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" dinyatakan ditolak, sebaliknya hipotesis nihil (Ha) yang berbunyi "Ada Korelasi antara Bimbingan Belajar dengan Kreatifitas Siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Kalenpanden Kecamatan Songgom Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010", dinyatakan diterima Saran yang dapat disampaikan dari hasil penelitian ini di antaranya adalah seharusnya Guru BK melaksanakan bimbingan pribadi lebih bertanggung jawab dan maksimal agar mampu mengajarkan peserta didiknya tentang tata tertib sekolah sehingga peserta didik dapat meningkatkan pentaatan peraturan sekolahnya English : RIA ARISTA, IYANG. NPM. 1106500259. 2011. " Correlation Study of Among/Between Tuition Learn With The Improvement of Kreatifitas of Student of Class of V1 SD of Country of Kalenpandan Songgom Brebes of School Year 2010/2011" ( Descriptive Study at Student of Class of VI of Semester II in SD of Country of Kalenpandan Songgom - Brebes of School Year 2010/2011, Prodi of Tuition and Konseling, Faculty of Teachership and Science of Education of University of Pancasakti Non Irigated Dry Field. Keyword : Tuition Learn the, Kreatifitas Student This Research target is 1) To know the correlation of tuition and konseling class with the creativity of student of class of VI SD of Country Kalenpandan 2) To know there is do not ithim influence strive the teacher of tuition and konseling by kreatifitas is child of class of VI SD of Country Kalenpandan 3) To know how relation/link of student of class of V1 SD of Country Kalenpandan. Population in this research is entire/all class of V1 SD of Country of Kalenpandan Songgom-Brebes. As much 60 divisible student for 2 class, that is class A as much 30 student and class B as much 30 student, meaning class of V1 SD of Country Kalenpandan. In this research, equality causing this obyek research is referred as by competent of sampel. Sum up the sampel which is in taking is 30 child of student of class of V1 SD of Country Kalenpandan. Technique of data collecting used by is kuesioner and interview the. Technique analyse the data use the formula of prosentase of score and correlation of product moment. From calculation analyse the presentase score to know the deskripsi in each variable obtained by variable tuition learn the student in high category is which lay in by international 59 - 64 by prosentase equal to 50% or 20 student. While variable of student creativity in category which less lay in by international 51 - 57 by prosentase equal to 35% or 14 student. And result of corelasi usher the variable obtained by value r = 0,326. The result is later;then consulted by r is tables of with the responder amount ( N) = 40 level signifikan 5 % in the reality assess the r of bigger than r ofis tables of that is 0,326 > 0,312 hence hypothesis work the ( Ho) sounding " There no Correlation of among/between Tuition Learn by Kreatifitas is Student of Class of VI SD of Country of Kalenpanden of Subdistrict of Songgom of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010" expressed to be refused, on the contrary nul hypothesis (Ha) sounding " There is Correlation of among/between Tuition Learn by Kreatifitas is Student of Class of VI SD of Country of Kalenpanden of Subdistrict of Songgom of Regency of Brebes of School Year 2009 / 2010", expressed to be accepted. Suggestion which can be submitted/sent from this research result among other things is ought to Learn the BK execute the personal tuition more maximal and holding responsible so that/ to be able to teach the educative competitor of about school discipline so that competitor educated can improve the school regulation obedientness." />