1,67 dan 2,28 > 1,67), maka menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara penerapan latihan mandiri dan latihan kelompok pada pembelajaran membaca cepat dan efektif. English : LESMONO, SETIADI. " Comparative Study Between Self and Exercise Training Implementation Group on Fast and Effective Reading Material Class VIII Junior High School Students Jatibarang 02 Academic Year 2010/2011"Thesis. Indonesian Literature Language Studies Program and the Region. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Pancasakti Tegal. Advisor I : Dr. Burhan Eko Purwanto, M. Hum., and Advisor II : Sutji Muljani, M.Hum. Keywords: Exercise Self, Group Exercise, Fast and Effective Reading. The problems posed in this study can be formulated as follows: 1.How different the results are significant to learn Indonesian language among students who use independent practice with students who use a group exercise. 2. Based on these differences Which is better between exercise self with group exercises What factors causing these differences. Objectives to be achieved in this study include: 1. Knowing and describe differences in outcomes achievement to learn Indonesian language that uses independent training and exercises kelompok.2. Knowing Which is better between the independent exercise by exercise group. 3. Knowing the factors that cause differences in independent practice and group exercises. This research approach is quantitative approach. The subject of this research is the eighth grade junior high school students N 2002 Jatibarang of 72 student data collection methods used were of tests and observation. Data analysis techniques used are statistical data analysis, with independent t-test formula. This study used two variables are independent variables namely the application of independent practice and exercise group and the dependent variable is the principal reading material quickly and effectively. Based on the results of this study concluded that a better group exercise given to students, all of it visible from the acquisition value of the average student with a higher group exercise and based on calculations by independent t-test t bigger than t table (2.00> 1 , 67, and 2.28> 1.67), then it indicates that there are significant differences between the application of independent exercises and group exercises on reading material quickly and effectively." />