t tabel =1,68 yang berarti ada perbedaan signifikan prestasi belajar IPS Ekonomi antara siswa sebelum diberikan pembelajaran dengan metode belajar kelompok dengan siswa sesudah diberikan metode belajar kelompok. Prestasi belajar siswa setelah diberikan pembelajaran dengan metode belajar kelompok memiliki nilai rata-rata 7,76 lebih tinggi daripada sebelum diberikan pembelajaran dengan metode belajar kelompok yang memiliki nilai rata-rata 6,64. Hendaknya guru IPS Ekonomi di SMP Negeri 3 Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal menerapkan strategi pembelajaran metode belajar kelompok dan sekolah menyediakan sarana dan prasarana. Akan lebih efektif apabila dilaksanakan secara berkesinambungan. English : CHARISAH, EMI 2010, Effectiveness of Learning Methods Group in Economic Learning Against Learning Achievement in Grade VIII SMP Negeri 3 Adiwerna Tegal regency Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis Studies Program Faculty of Economics of Education Teacher Training and Education University Pancasakti Tegal. Advisor I: DR. Yayat Hidayat Amir, M. Pd, Advisor II: Drs. Budiyono. Keywords: Learning, Group, Performance, Economics. The problem this research is: "How effective group learning method in teaching economics to students' learning achievement in eighth grade at Junior High School 3 Adiwerna Tegal regency school year 2010/2011? "The problem,then the purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of group learning method in teaching economics to students' learning achievement in eighth grade at Junior High School 3 Adiwerna Tegal regency school year 2010/2011. The population in this study were 363 students of class VIII student. Using purposive sampling technique. While the sample is a class C to class VIII student numbers 20. Data collection methods used were of tests and documentation. While the methods of data analysis using t-test. The results showed the acquisition of hypothesis testing results obtained t value = 12.09> t table = 1.68, which means there are significant differences in academic achievement between students of Economics IPS before given learning with group learning method with students after the given method of group learning. Student achievement after a given learning with group learning method has an average rating of 7.76 is higher than before given the learning with group learning method that has an average rating of 6.64. Economics should be in junior high social studies teacher Negeri 3 Adiwerna Tegal regency applying learning strategies and school groups learning method provides the facilities and infrastructure. It would be more effective if carriedoutcontinuously." />