Ztabel = 4.559 > 2.00 maka Ho ditolak yang berarti menerima Ha, artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemberian kredit BMT ALMULTAZAM dengan pendapatan pasar Kemantran Kabupaten Tegal. Sedangkan sumbangan efektifnya adalah 37.11% dan sumbangan relatifnya 62.89% yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini. Harapan hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan pengurus BMT ALMULTAZAM didalam mendesain dan menyusun strategi sistem pemberian kredit yang baik dalam pengelolaan usaha BMT, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja BMT dan pedagang pasar Kemantran Kabupaten Tegal dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan BMT dan pedagang pasar dengan meningkatkan kinerja manajemen yang profesional dan dibentuk program pembinaan secara berkala terhadap para pedagang pasar yang profesional. English : M. NASRUL HAQ THESIS. LENDING RELATIONSHIP WITH BMT ALMULTAZAM KEMANTRAN DISTRICT REVENUE MARKET TRADERS TEGAL. 2011. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY PANCASAKTI TEGAL. In its role to increase revenue market traders in the market mainly due to additional Kemantran Tegal regency capital obtained from BMT ALMULTAZAM. It also did not escape the credit system is good to be able to contribute significantly in increasing market revenues primarily Kemantran market researcher Tegal regency as objects. The problems studied in this research is "How the relationship between lending income BMT ALMULTAZAM with market traders Kemantran Tegal regency? ". With the aim of "To know how strong the relationship lending businesses with revenues BMT AL Multazam Tegal regency Kemantran market traders." The results showed that the credit data BMT ALMULTAZAM score obtained the maximum score of 4597 compared with 6840 so that the obtained percentage is 67.21%. While income data Kemantran market traders Tegal regency obtained the maximum score of 2482 compared with 3420, the obtained percentage of 72.57%. The result of data processing is known correlation or r values for 0609, which means having a strong relationship between the granting of loans by income BMT ALMULTAZAM Kemantran market traders. Thus the null hypothesis (H0) in this study declared rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which berbunyai "no lending relationship with BMT ALMULTAZAM income market traders Kemantran Tegal regency declared acceptable. Based on the significance test of the obtained Zhitung > Ztabel = 4559 > 2:00 then Ho is rejected which means accepting Ha, which means that there is significant correlation between lending BMT ALMULTAZAM with market revenue Kemantran Tegal regency. While effective contribution is 37.11% and 62.89% relative contribution is influenced by other variables that are not revealed in this study. Hope the results of this study can be taken into consideration in designing BMT ALMULTAZAM board and devise a strategy appropriate credit delivery systems in business management BMT, in order to improve performance and market traders Kemantran BMT Tegal regency in improving the welfare of BMT and market traders to improve the performance of professional management and established training programs regularly for professional market traders." />