0,349). Hal ini berarti hipotesis penelitian diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara penguasaan kosa kata dengan kemampuan berbicara. English : NURHASIM.2011. The Influence of authorizing a Vocabulary about Ability of Speaking to Students Class VIII B in MTs. Hasyim Asy'ari Petunjungan. 2010/2011. The Thesis of Language Education, Indonesia Literature and Territory (PBSID). Drs. Bowo Hermaji, M.Pd. Sutji Muljani, M.Hum. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Pancasakti University Tegal. Key Word : The Authorizing Vocabulary, the Ability of Speaking. The purpose of this research is getting data and information of explicit to the influence of authorizing a vocabulary with ability of speaking to students class VIII B in MTs. Hasyim Asy'ari Petunjungan. The problem of this thesis is the influence between authorizing a vocabulary with ability of speaking. This authorizing a vocabulary is the ability have students of dominate a vocabulary. The ability of speaking is ability to saying articulation sounds or saying words to expression, to explain, to convey opinion and felling. In this research included experiment research with technique product moment as. Technique of analising data. The population this research is all students class VIII in MTs. Hasyim Asy'ari Petunjungan 2010/2011 with population quantity 63student, from 63 students is taking sample as group sample is class VIII B as many as 30 students. Statistical variable of free is authorizing of vocabulary called (X) and statistical variable attached is ability of speking, it is called (Y). the methode is use test method. The result of analyzing data indicate any significane influence with authorizing of vocabulary with of speaking. The analyzing data from the result of research test using technique "r" product moment. Based on analyzing "r" product moment at standard of significane 5% to 30 students is 0,349. From the result mentioned "r" arithmatic more than "r" (0,449 > 0,349). This case mean accepted hypothesis research. This, the conclusion be able to the influence between authorizing of vocabulary with ability of speaking." />