r-table 0,361) it can conclude that instrument of this research is valid. From th result in chapter IV, after the writter analyzed the data with percentage formula. It was proved that there were 3 from 30 students who got A grade, hence the precentation of this grade is 10%, 18 students got B (60%) and 9 students got C(30%). It means the students' understanding of the grammatical features of News item text is average. In other words, the writer concluded that the tenth grade students at SMA N 2 Tegal in the academic year of 2010/2011 have capability enough in comprehending the grammatical features of News item text. To improve the quality of teaching learning process and to get satisfactory result in teaching the gramatical features of News item such as; passive voice, past tense, reported speech and action verb at the tenh gardes students of SMA Negeri 2 Tegal. The writer suggests the teacher intensify giving more exercises, because the students still need more practices dealing with grammatical system which is used in the text." />