Pengaruh Netralitas Kepala Desa Terhadap Demokrasi Dalam Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah ( Pilkada) Tahun 2006 di Kecamatan Kandangserang Kabupaten Pekalongan.
Nama : AGUS SUKIRMAN, NPM : 2107501262, Judul: Pengaruh Netralitas Kepala Desa Terhadap Demokrasi Dalam Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah ( Pilkada) Tahun 2006 di Kecamatan Kandangserang Kabupaten Pekalongan.
Subject is: What impact on the neutrality of the chief democratic implementation Regional Head Election (election) year 2006 in the district of Pekalongan Regency Kandangserang?
The aim of this research is:
1. Want to find violations of the implementation of the Regional Head Election (Election) in 2006 in the district of Regency Pekalongan Kandangserang
2. Neutrality to determine the effect of democratic mayor in the implementation of the Regional Head Election (Election) in 2006 in District Kandangserang Pekalongan Regency.
In this study the author adopted a quantitative descriptive research, namely research that explores the widely about the causes or things that affect the occurrence of something. While the analysis of research carried out also in the form of giving meaning, classify, correlate and compare all things related to the problem studied both in terms of theory or practice that apply and measure it in quantitative form. Based on the analysis of neutrality kepaal village variables (X1) that the majority of respondents argued agree. Neutrality means that the village head belonging to the category very high and can be accepted by all communities in the district of Pekalongan Regency Kandangserang. Based on the analysis of the implementation of democratic elections variable (Y), that all the indicators on this variable largely agree repsponden opinion. Democracy means the implementation of the election district of Pekalongan district kadangserang fall into either category.
KEY WORD : Netralitas Kepala Desa, Demokrasi dan Pemilu
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