r tabel (0,361) yang artinya r hitung lebih besar dari pada r tabel sehingga hasilnya adalah Realible. dari hasil tersebut berarti nilai hipotesis kerja (Ha) dinyatakan diterima. Hal tersebut berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Terhadap Sikap Peserta Didik Kelas XI di SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang telah disajikan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Tingkat terbentuknya Sikap Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 adalah tinggi terbukti terdapat 25 Peserta Didik dari 29 Peserta Didik ini ber ketercapaian skor mencapai 86 %. (2) Keterlaksanaan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler tergolong tinggi karena hampir semua responden menjawab bahwa Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler dengan kriteria terlaksana mencapai angka ketuntasan sebesar 65,5 % sedangkan yang menjawab sangat terlaksana berjumlah 10 Peserta Didik dari 29 Peserta Didik atau sebesar 34,5%. (3) Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa r hitung > r tabel ini berarti terdapat pengaruh yang cukup signifikan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Terhadap Sikap Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Peserta didik lebih mendapatkan jati dirinya, Peserta didik lebih menghormati guru dan pembinanya dan bersikap loyal terhadap teman sesamanya, maka dari itu Kegiatan Pelajaran Ekstra kurikuler di sekolah sangat diperlukan keberadaanya. Inggris : Sucipto, Agus, 2010 1107500703, "The Effect of Extracurricular Activities on Students Attitude in Class XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal Regency Academic Year 2009/2010". First Advisors Dra. Sri Sumarsih, M.Pd, Second Advisor , Drs. Sukoco, KW. Keywords: Extracurricular Activities and Attitudes of Students This research was done in SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal regency Academic Year 2009/2010. The problem is "How is the attitude of students in Class XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal Regency after they followed Extracurricular Activities, which conducted research objective is to identify the author (1) followed Extracurricular Activities Students at Class XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal regency Year 2009/2010, (2) Attitude Learners Class XI in SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal Regency Year 2009/2010, and (3) Is there a Positive Effect on Attitudes Extracurricular Activities Students in Class XI SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal Regency Academic Year 2009/ 2010. Determination of the sample based on random decision for each class taken at random. From a population of 108 student participants consisted of 68 male and 40 so get the number of samples as requested by the researcher are a number of 29 participants Educate. While the methods used in this study is the questionnaire method as a method of Goods and methods of documentation and interviews as a temporary auxiliary method of data analysis method was used with a formula analisisi sistematic Product Moment correlation with rough numbers. In data analysis, correlation or r value of 0.547 while calculating the correlation value in the table or tables with N r = 29, for 5% significance level is 0.361. Because r count (0.547)> r table (0.361) which means r count r is bigger than the table so the result is Realible. of these results mean value of the working hypothesis (Ha) are accepted. This means there is significant influence between Extracurricular Activities To Teach Class XI Attitude Participants in vocational Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal regency Academic Year 2009/2010. Based on the results of data analysis that has been presented, it can be concluded that: (1) The level attitude formation of Class XI students of SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal regency high Academic Year 2009/2010 is proven there are 25 participants from 29 participants Selly Selly This achievement scores were achieved 86%. (2) Keterlaksanaan Extracurricular activity is high because almost all the respondents answered that Extracurricular Activities implemented criteria for completeness reached 65.5% while the answer is very accomplished totaling 10 participants from 29 participants Educate Educate or equal to 34.5%. (3) From the analysis found that the r calculate> r this table means that there is a significant influence on attitudes Extracurricular Activities Class XI student of SMK Kusuma Bangsa Pangkah Tegal Regency Academic Year 2009/2010. More students get their identity, more respect for teachers Learners and coach and be loyal to his fellow friends, and, therefore Lessons Extra-curricular activities in school is necessary existence." />