2,021). Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan membaca siswa antara yang diajar dengan menggunakan reading log dengan siswa yang tidak diajar dengan menggunakan reading log. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dalam kemampuan membaca siswa. MTsN-Tegal kelas 1 tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, penulis ingin menyampaikan saran bagi guru bahasa inggris untuk membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar melalui berbagai macam cara. Reading log adalah sebuah cara pengajaran yang dapat membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan motivasi belajar bahasa inggris dalam kemampuan membaca. Inggris : DEWI FATICHA : " The effect of "Reading Log" towards students' reading ability at the seventh grade students of MTsN-Tegal. (An experimental study in MTsN-Tegal 2009/2010)". Skripsi strata-1, English Department program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty Pancasakti University Tegal. Key Word : Reading Log, Reading Reading log is a way to hold students accountable for their progress or improving students' reading ability, where the students have a chance to collect the kinds of reading text to be discussed in the classroom. The writer takes this title because interesting with a new teaching model. Reading log model is the way of new teaching reading and can make students active in learning, this model also encourages students to develop their achievement and to increase motivation to study English in reading ability. The objective of the study to find out whether there is positive effect of "Reading Log" towards students' reading ability or not in teaching reading of the first grade students of MTsN-Tegal in academic year of 2009/2010. Based on the theories, the hypothesis of this study is proposed as follow: there is positive effect of "Reading Log" towards students' reading ability at the first grade students of MTsN-Tegal in academic year of 2009/2010. The population of this research is the first grade students of MTsN-Tegal, in the total number of them is 337 students which consist of eight classes. This research the writer takes students for the sample is 40 students, They are devided into two groups which consist of 20 students each. The data of this research are taken from the general english test as the instrument of the research to know the difference between mean of score from the students who are taught by using reading log and those who are not. Based on the result of the research, getting the result which shows that teaching reading by using reading log can increasing of the students' achievement in comprehending the materials are given. It's shows that the bigger of mean score of experiment group is 74.4, than control group is 71.2. The data analysis technique used is t-test with the level significance 0,05% and with degree of freedom 38, th result of t-test is 3,465 and t-table is 2,021. the hypothesis is accepted because the result of t-test is bigger than t-table (3,465 > 2,021). The final result of the rsearch shows that there is significant different between the students who are taught by using reading log and those who are not. based on the result the conclusion of this research that reading log give positive effect towards students' reading ability of the first grade students of MTsN-Tegal in academic year of 2009/2010. Based on the result of the study, the writer would like to give suggestion for english teachers to help the students to get the best reading ability through the various method. The reading log is a teaching method that help students to develop their achievement and to increase motivation to study english in reading ability." />