2,660), maka hipotesis penelitian diterima dan hipotesis nol ditolak. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kebiasaan membaca majalah bahasa Inggris memberikan pengaruh yang baik dalam kemampuan menulis siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Slawi Kabupaten Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Inggris : Maria, Widiana. 2010. The Influence of Habitual Reading English Magazine Toward Writing Ability at the Eleventh year Senior High School (A Research at Senior High School 2 Slawi in Academic Year 2009/2010). Thesis Strata 1, English Department, Teacher Training and Educational Faculty, Pancasakti University Tegal. The Consultants; Drs. JCS Pradjarto, M.Pd and H. Sumartono, S.Pd Key words: Writing Ability, English Magazine, Writing Test This research is conducted to know the students' writing ability of the eleventh year students of Senior High School 2 Slawi which is influenced by reading English magazine. The population of this research is all of the eleventh year students of Senior High School 2 Slawi in academic year 2009/2010. 60 students are taken randomly as the sample in this research. Based on this research the problem can be formulated as follows: " Is there any differences in writing ability between the students who have habit in reading English magazine and the students who don't have habit in reading English magazine at the eleventh year students of Senior High School 2 Slawi in Academic Year 2009/2010?". The data is collected by giving a questionnaire and writing test. The questionnaire has 15 questions and the writing test has 30 questions. The data is analyzed by using product moment correlation and Spear-Brown's formulation. The result of this research is there's a difference student's ability in writing test. The students who have habit in reading English magazine get a better score than the students who don't have habit in reading English magazine in writing test. It can be seen from the data analysis which shows that the value of the t-ratio = 6,508 with degree of free 58, the real level 0,01, t-table = 2,660 because the t-ratio is higher than t-table (6,508 > 2,660), therefore the H1 of the research is accepted and the Ho is refused. The conclusion of this research is by reading English magazine as a habit can give a good influence to the students' writing ability of the eleventh year students of Senior High School 2 Slawi in academic year 2009/2010." />