rtable = 0,279, which means there is a strong correlation, a positive and significant correlation between variables influence parenting parents with academic achievement of economic class X SMA Negeri 1 Kramat Academic Year 2009/2010. 2). From the results obtained by calculating the determination coefficient of determination of 29,70 % which means that the influence of parents' upbringing contributed to the variation of economic ups and down of learning archievement of a class X SMA Negeri 1 Kramat Academic Year 2009/2010 amounted to 29,70 %. A percentage of 70,30 % is the contribution of other factors that are not observed and needs further study. 3) From the hypothesis testing results obtained tcount = 4,377 > ttable = 2,943 which means there is significant influence parenting parents influence on student achievement of economic subjects in class X SMA Negeri 1 Kramat Academic Year 2009/2010. Thus, the hypothesis proposed in this study has been proven empirically. Parents should be in providing child care to children and will be proportionately adjusted to the level of needs and problems faced by their children. Teachers in schools should against problematics faced by the students at school, so what happens to students, teachers can provide input and direction for the settlement of these problems." />