Z(0,025) 1,960, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh signifikan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di bagian umum Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Tegal. English : Based of the background of the problem the low performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency; the statement of the research problem is: "Is environment affect the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency?" The objective of the research is to find out the effect of environment to the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency. The hypothesis of the research is: It is assumpted that environment affects significantly the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency. The method of data collecting is interview, observation, and questionairre in Likert grades. The population of the research is 52 officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency that all of the number of population taken as the research samples. The Analysis of Correlation of Spearman Rank is used as the data analysis method. The Z test is used as the hypothesis test. Based on the data analysis, the rs = 0,72; this value means that environment has a powerful effect to the the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency. The value of Coefficient Determination is 52% which means environment gives 52% of effect to the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency, the rest 48% is belongs to the unidentified variables. Z value = 5,16 > Z(0,025) 1,960 which means it is can be concluded that environment has a significant effect to the the performance of officers of Secretary of Tegal Regency." />