rtabel = 0.312, thus null hypothesis (Ho), which reads that the effectiveness of counseling services can not improve the communication skills of high school students of class X 3 N egeri Pemalang 2009/2010 school year, rejected and accepted the alternative hypothesis "the effectiveness of counseling services can enhance students' communication skills X-class SMA Lesson 3 Pemalang year 2009/2010,. The computation results of the analysis and the effectiveness of the hypothesis that there is a high percentage in the category criteria and categories of less balanced percentage that is equal to 50%, while the communication skills of students, the average percentage of criteria that have high levels of 55% and 45% of the less criteria. Conclusion These results adalan effectiveness of counseling services can improve the communication skills of students of class X 3 Pemalang SMA. Advice for students is expected to be able to enhance students' communication skills for group counseling services provided by the supervising teacher. then for the supervising teacher is expected to increase the effective group counseling services that can improve the communication skills of children and can be used as reference in providing guidance and counseling services in schools." />