r tabel = 0,329. Karena rhitung lebih besar dari nilai r tabel , maka Hipotesis kerja (Ha) yang mengemukakan 'Ada pengaruh yang signifikan layanan informasi terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik kelas V Semester 2 SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009', terbukti secara empiris kebenarannya. Besar pengaruh layanan informasi terhadap motivasi belajar siswa (determinasi) = 57,10% hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa variabel Layanan Informasi memberikan konstribusi terhadap motivasi belajar (Y) 57,10% dan sisanya 42,90% ditentukan oleh variabel lain. Inggris : Triningsih/1106500349. Title: The Role of Information Services On The Increase Motivation study of students fiveth class at SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008-2009". Study Program Guidance and Counselling FKIP UPS Tegal 2010. Keywords: Service information and motivation to learn The Information services is understood as a service that enables learners to receive and understand a variety of information one of them information about further education (SMP) for students who have graduated from elementary school. This research problem formulation (1) How does the role of information services class V second Semester of SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009?; (2) How to increase students' motivation to learn the fift class second Semester of SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009 (3) How much influence the role of information services to increase student motivation to learn the fiveth class second Semester of SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009. The purpose of this study to determine (1) the role of information services students of SDN Kajen 02 Semester 2 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009; (2) Motivation to learn the fiveth class second semesters of SDN Kajen 02 Academic Year 2008/2009; (3) How much influence information services to the learners' learning motivation fiveth class second semester SDN 02 Kajen Lecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009. The population are 36 students since the amount is less than 100 then all the samples taken 36 students. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires, interviews and documentary studies. The results reveal that the role of information services on the SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Kabupaten Tegal Academic Year 2008/2009 increased significantly influence students' motivation. Because the count is greater than r value table, the working hypothesis (Ha) who argued: 'There is a significant influence of information services to the learners' learning motivation fiveth class second semesters in the SDN Kajen 02 Kecamatan Lebaksiu Academic Year 2008/2009', empirically proven truth . The large influence of information services to students' motivation (determination) = 57.10%, this may imply that the variable Information Service contributes to the learning motivation (Y) and the remaining 57.10% 42.90% determined by other variables. The teachers are expected to give guidance in the form of information services to students in the Elementary School District 02 Kajen Lebaksiu, given through the guidance of the learner can obtain supplies of a range of knowledge and understanding of the various useful things to know yourself, plan and develop a pattern of life as a student , family members and the community." />