dari rtabel (0,679468>0,266) dengan taraf signifikasi 5 %. Kesimpalan: adanya korelasi yang cukup tinggi antara bentuk kekerasan yang dialami dengan kepercayaan diri siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri Sub Rayon 6 Kabuapten Tegal Tahun 2010. Saran: Kepada Lembaga Terkait seperti lembaga pendidikan, departemen sosial, pemerintah daerah selalu memberikan pengertian kepada orang tua untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada anaknya tidak dengan kekerasan dan berusaha untuk mengendalikan diri dalam menghadapi anak-anaknya baik sengaja maupun tidak sengaja agar tidak melakukan kekerasan secara emosional maupun fisik, hendaknya pembaca menyadari akan pentingnya pendidikan dalam keluaraga tanpa adanya kekerasan agar tidak mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri siswa.karena kepercayaan diri merupakan modal bagi siswa untuk melangkah menjadi manusia dewasa yang memiliki prestasi guna membangun kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih sejahtera Inggris : Tika Pramudiyanti, NPM: 1105500715, 2010. "The correlation between Forms of Violence in Household with Confidence Junior High School Students in Tegal Regency Rayon 6 Academic Year 2009/2010". Skripsi. Guidance and Counselling. Drs. Sukoco. KW., Suriswo, M.Pd. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. University Pancasakti Tegal. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Self-Esteem Problem: how is the form of the correlation of domestic violence experienced by students with Confidence Junior High School Students in Tegal regency Sub Rayon 6 Academic Year 2009/2010?. The purpose of this study is to reveal students' self to forms of violence, to determine the confidence level of students and to know the magnitude of correlation between the form of domestic violence with the confidence of students in junior high Sub Rayon 6 Tegal regency Year 2009/2010. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive correlational approach. The population in this study eighth grade students of "SMP Negeri Sub Rayon 6 Kabupaten Tegal" (Junior High School) which amounts to 1044 students, while a sample taken a number of 56 students, consisting of 13 students of "SMP Negeri 1 Pangkah", 16 students of SMP Negeri 2 Pangkah , 10 students from Junior High School Kedungbanteng, and 17 students from Junior High School Jatinegara. The sampling method using purposive sampling. The results obtained images of violence in junior high school students' self terhdap N Sub Rayon 6 Tegal regency Year 2009/2010, shaped emosioanl violence and physical violence with violence is very high level of 0%, 24% higher, while 80% and 8% and extremely low Low 0%. The average force experienced by 63% with the criteria is, the image of the confidence level of students in junior high N Sub Rayon 6 Tegal regency Year 2009/2010 is very high 0% High 20%, moderate 68%, low 24 %, and very low 0%, with an average of 59% confidence criterion is, a large correlation .679468. shows the correlation is quite high because of r count> from r table (0.679468> 0.266) with a 5% level of significance. Conclusion: The existence of a fairly high correlation between the forms of violence experienced by students of class VIII confidence SMP Sub Rayon 6 Tegal regency in 2010. Recomandation: To Institutions Related to such educational institutions, social ministries, local governments always provide understanding to the parents to provide education to their children not to violence and trying to control myself in the face of his children either intentionally or not intentionally in order not to commit violence emotionally and Physically," />