r table 0,312) at variable Role of Guidance Learn and (r count at 0,860 > 0,312). This matter indicate that in the reality assess bigger r count of r count at level of significant 5% meaning can be said that by nihil Hypothesis (Ho) refused, telling "There no role of guidance learn to understanding of elementary concept learn at class student of VIII UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Slawi Tegal Regency School Year 2009/2010". And activity hypothesis (Ha) accepted telling "There is role of guidance learn to understanding of elementary concept learn at class student of VIII UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Slawi Tegal Regency School Year 2009/2010. Conclusion of which can taken away from the result of this research is that have proven really is showing existence of correlation which are positive and significant role of guidance learn to understanding of elementary concept learn at class student of VIII UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Slawi Tegal Regency School Year 2009/2010. Suggestion able to be submitted from result of this research among others is all teacher shall conduct guidance learn with as effective as possible so that can improve the understanding of concept learn student because with effective group guidance can create motivation learn well." />