ttabel=1,680 dengan demikian hipotesis nihil (Ho) ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif ada Pelaksanaan Bimbingan dalam Membentuk Keluarga yang Harmonis terhadap Penyesuaian Diri Siswa Kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Slawi. Hasil analisis data pengujian hipotesis berarti terbukti, bahwa layanan bimbingan masuk ke dalam kategori cukup tinggi di buktikan dengan angka ketercapain skor ada 21 (58,3%) dan 15 (41,7%) sangat tinggi. Penyesuaian diri cukup baik skor ada 19 (52,7%) dan 17 ( 47,3%) cukup baik. Simpulan semakin baik layanan bimbingan, maka semakin tinggi tingkat penyesuaian dirinya , sebaliknya semakin jelek layanan bimbingan maka semakin rendah tingkat penyesuaian dirinya. Saran yang dapat di rekomandasikan dalah guru BK dapat meningkatkan layanan bimbingan secara teratur antara orang tua dan siswa untuk menggali informasi yang di perlukan bagi siswa agar dapat mampu mengidentifikasi terutama tentang diri siswa di rumah sehingga dapat meningkatkan penyesuaian dirinya secara baik Inggris : JAFAR, SETYO ABDUL, 2010. Thesis entitled "Implementation Guidance in Establishing Harmonious Families Against Self Adjustment Class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Tegal regency Slawi Academic Year 2009/2010", Progdi: Guidance and Counselling FKIP UPS Tegal, Central Library 1st Dr.Hj . Sitti Hartinah DS, MM, and Advisors II Drs.Sukoco, KW. FKIP. University Pancasakti Tegal. Keywords: Guidance in Establishing a Harmonious Family, Self Adjustment Learners who are less able to adapt there is a tendency comes from a less harmonious family. Efforts to help self-development can be done by providing guidance on a regular basis problem in this research is whether there is "Implementation Guidance in Establishing a Harmonious Family of Personal Adjustment Class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Slawi Academic Year 2099/2010", purpose of this study was to determine " Implementation Guidance in Establishing a Harmonious Family of Personal Adjustment Class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Slawi Academic Year 2099/2010 ". The population in this study are all students of XI class numbering 360 students, proportionately penetepan sampling random sample totaling 36 students. Research variables consist of guidance service independent variables and the dependent variable adjustment. Data collection techniques used method of questionnaire, interview and documentation. While the data analysis methods used are statistical analysis of data with the formula is t test. From the results of data analysis, found the calculation of t count equal to 3.216. T value and then in consultation with the t table = significant at the level of 95% or (? 5%) with N = 36 where the obtained t table = 1.680 turned out t count = 3216> t table = 1.680 thus null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and accept the alternative hypothesis exist Implementation Guidance in Establishing a Harmonious Family of Personal Adjustment Class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Slawi. Results of data analysis, hypothesis testing means proven, that guidance services into the category of high enough in the numbers prove there ketercapain score 21 (58.3%) and 15 (41.7%) is very high. Adjustment is good enough there are 19 score (52.7%) and 17 (47.3%) is quite good. Conclusions better guidance services, the higher the level of adjustment itself, on the contrary increasingly ugly counseling services the lower level of adjustment itself. Suggestions that can in recommended is guiadance and counseling teachers can improve guidance services are regularly between parents and students to explore information on the need for students to be able to identify, especially about myself at home so that students can improve themselves in a good adjustment" />