r tabel. Dengan demikian secara kuantitatif menunjukkan adanya pengaruh antara sikap positif siswa dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam pengembangan kreativitas siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Banjarharjo kabupaten Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Berdasarkan pengolahan data dapat disimpulkan, hipotesa kerja (Hk) yang diajukan "sikap positif siswa ada pengaruhnya dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam pengembangan kreativitas siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Banjarharja kabupaten Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 "diterima", serta hipotesa nihil (Ho) yang menyatakan tidak ada pengaruh antara sikap positif siswa dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam pengembangan kreativitas siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Banjarharjo kabupaten Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 "ditolak"". Inggris : FURI, IRENA NOVIKA. 1106500258. " Descriptive Studi About Student Attitude to Extracurricular activity In Developmental Student Creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's Regencies School Years 2009 / 2010 " Key word : Student attitude, Extracurricular activity About problem on this paper writing is: 1 ). How is student attitude to extracurricular activity at SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's Regencies school years 2009 / 2010; 2 ). How is student creativity development brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's Regencies school years 2009 / 2010; 3 ). How is influence demeanor student to extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's Regencies school years 2009 / 2010. This paper writing intent: 1 ). To know student attitude to extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010; 2 ). To know relationship among student attitude with extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010; 3 ). To know in as much as which student attitude influence to kegiatanj extracurricular deep developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010. Population in observational it all class student VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies that total 299 Person and Sample 30 student that constitutes 10% of populations, taken arbitrarily. Free variable (X ) are Student Attitudes, meanwhile variable is tied-up (Y. ) is extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity. Methodic data collecting that is utilized is questionnaire, observation, and documentation. analisis's tech data that is utilized is analisis statistical by use of product moment. Data processing by use of tables appropriate statistic with signifikan's level 1% menunjukan outgrows it 0,715 meanwhile r table just 0,361 therefore r computing > r table . Quantitative ala thus points out to mark sense influence among students positive attitude with extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010. Base data processing gets concluded, job hypothesizing (Hk) one that is proposed " students positive attitude available its influence with extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharja Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010 "accepted", and naught hypothesizing (Ho) one that declares for no influence among students positive attitude with extracurricular activity in developmental student creativity brazes VII SMP Country 2 Banjarharjo Brebes's regencies school years 2009 / 2010 " rejected" />