rtabel = 0,294 thus empty hypothesis (Ho) rejected and accepted alternative hypothesis There is Effectiveness of Group Leading Forming Independency of First Child in spending Spare Time of VII Grade Students of SMP Negeri 4 Jatibarang Brebes Academic Year 2009/2010 The result of analysis and examination hypothesis is proofed, that group leading service included in fairly effective category from 34 students (65%), there are 11 students (35%) belong to less effective category, meanwhile self independency in spending students' spare time after being done group leading service is quite good, including really independent category of 25 students (55,56%), of 20 students (44,44%) belongs to fairly independent category. The advice that can be recommended is that Counselor is able to increase students' ability especially for first child decide spending spare time, means the more the frequency of group leading service, the more independent the student will be in deciding spending spare time to study." />