1,697. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh layanan konseling agama Islam terhadap pembentukan perilaku agrseif siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Losari Kabupaten Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang diberikan yaitu dalam menghadapi segala permasalahan tidak harus dengan bersikap agresif, orang tua berpartisipasi aktif dalam membantu mengurangi pembentukan perilaku agresif anak, sekolah mengaktifkan peranan guru pembimbing /guru kelas untuk mengaktifkan layanan konseling agama Islam Inggris : PRIHARTINI, ANISA WIDYA. 1106500290. Islamic Religion Counseling Service to Reduce Agressive Behaviour of Class Student SMP Negeri 3 Losari sub-province Brebes academic Year 2009 / 2010.. Skripsi. 2010. Strata Program 1. Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Teachership Faculty and Education of University Pancasakti Tegal. Advisor I. Dra. Sri Sumarsih, M.Pd. Advisor II Suriswo, M.Pd. Keyword : Islamic Religion Counseling, Reduce of agressive behaviour Problem told by how execution of Islam counseling service, how agressive behavior of student before and after service, and how Islam counseling service influence to reduce of pupil's agressive behavior SMP Negeri 3 sub-province Brebes. Target which will be reached is to know the condition of execution of Islamic Counseling service, to knowagressive behavior of students before and after getting Islamic counseling service, to know Islam counseling service influence to reducing agressive behavior of class students SMP Negeri 3 Losari sub-province Brebes academic year 2009/2010. Hypothesis submitted in this research is " There is Islam counseling service influence to reduce agressive behavior of class students VIII SMP Negeri 3 Losari suu-province Brebes academic year 2009 / 2010. Population in this research is all class students VIII SMP Negeri 3 Losari sub-province Brebes academic year 2009 / 2010 amounts 320 students is taken 10% ( 32 students). Variable applied there are 2 that is, independent variable is islam Counseling Service (X), while dependent variable is Reducing Agressive Behaivor (Y). The Method data collecting used enquette ( kuesioner) as fundamental method and observation with interview as supporter method. With different analysis technique of mean is obtained result that execution of Islam Counseling Service at class students VIII SMP Negerei 3 Losari sub-province Brebes 43,75% and high category admission. condition of agressive behavior of class students VIII SMP Negeri 3 Losari sub-province Brebes before getting service 51,125% is high and after getting service is 100% in categorizing enough. With the different analitycal technique of mean yield t-hitung 3,73, while t-table with the level signifikan 5% for db 32-1=31 is 1,697 or 3,73 > 1,697. Thereby can be expressed that there is Islam Counseling Service influence to reduce of agressive behavior class students VIII SMP Negeri 3 Losari sub-province Brebes academic year 2009/2010. Suggestion given that is in facing all problemses is not must by acting agressive, old fellow is active participates in assisting lessens reducing agressive behavior of child, school activates role of counselor/teacher class to activate Islam counseling service." />