0,349. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara bimbingan pribadi terhadap kematangan emosi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Ketanggungan Kabupaten Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang diberikan yaitu guru diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan perhatiannya dan memberikan layanan bimbingan pribadi terhadap siswa agar kematangan emosi siswa di dalam kelas dapat berkembang dengan baik, orang tua diharapkan dapat membantu mendorong anaknya dalam perkembangan kematangan emosi, dan siswa mulai mendewasakan diri terhadap segala sesuatunya, serta harus dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan yang buruk dalam meningkatkan kematangan emosinya. Inggris : FITRIANI, IRNA. 1106500298. Social Tuition Influence to Development of Communications Interaction usher the Person of Student of Class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes [of] School Year 2009 / 2010.. Skripsi. 2010. Strata Program 1. Program the Study of Tuition and Konseling, Faculty of Teachership and Science of Education of University of Pancasakti Non irigated dry field Keyword : Social Tuition, interaction development, communications usher the person Target which will be reached [by] that is to know the condition of execution of tuition social, to know the condition of development of communications interaction usher the person, to know the social tuition influence to development of communications interaction usher the person of student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes [of] school year 2009 / 2010. Hypothesis raised in this research [is] " There [is] influence which are positive and social signifikan tuition to development of communications interaction usher the person of student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes [of] school year 2009 / 2010. Population in this research [is] entire/all student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes [of] school year 2009 / 2010 amounting to 240 student taken [by] sampel 15% ( as much 36 student). Variable used [by] there [is] 2 that is, free variable [is] social tuition ( X), while variable trussed [by] [is] development of communications interaction usher the person ( Y). Technique [of] data collecting used [by] [is] enquette ( kuesioner) as fundamental method and documentation with interview as method pendukug. With the obtained [by] descriptive analysis technique [of] result that social tuition execution [at] student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes 30,55% and enter the category enough. condition of Development of communications interaction usher the person of student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes 33,33% [is] enough. With the technique analyse the correlation yield the rhitung [of] equal to 0,885, while rtabel with the level signifikan 5% rtabel for the N of 36 = 0,329 or 0,885 > 0,329. Thereby can be expressed [by] that there is influence which are positive and signifikan [of] [among/between] social tuition to development of communications interaction usher the person of student of class of VIII SMP Country 4 Brebes [of] school year 2009 / 2010, while big [of] social tuition contribution to development of communications interaction usher the person [is] 78,32% and the rest 21,68% influenced by other;dissimilar factor [is] which writer is not accurate" />