ttabel atau 10,588 > 2,423. Dengan demikian hipotesis nihil (Ho) ditolak dan menerima hipotesis kerja (Ha). Pelaksanaan pemberian layanan konseling kelompok memperoleh tanggapan siswa, kebanyakan siswa tertarik proses layanan konseling kelompok yang dilakukan oleh guru pembimbing, hasil skor angket sebelum treatment dapat diketahui bahwa siswa dengan kategori kurang berjumlah 32 siswa atau sebanyak 66,67 %, kemudian kategori tinggi berjumlah 16 siswa atau sebanyak 33,33 % dari jumlah seluruh sampel yang ada, yaitu sebanyak 48 siswa. Setelah treatment seluruh siswa termasuk dalam kategori memiliki sikap konsep diri yang tinggi. Disarankan kepada kepala sekolah bahwa di sekolah mengaktifkan peranan guru pembimbing untuk mengaktifkan layanan konseling kelompok secara terprogram dan bersinergi dengan harapan pembentukan konsep diri dapat terbentuk secara baik sehingga dapat terwujud kondisi yang menyenangkan bagi siswa, pelaksanaan layanan konselng kelompok, hendaknya lebih ditingkatkan lagi usaha-usaha dalam pemberian layanan secara baik, semua tenaga pengajar dan guru bimbingan dan konseling (BK) hendaknya senantiasa menunjukkan secara konsisten pemberian layanan konseling kelompok terhadap siswa dan siswa perlu aktif dalam mendukung program sekolah secara baik dan benar. Inggris : Sriyono, 2010. NPM: 1107500790. The Title Of Final Project : The Effectivenness Of Counseling Grouph Service In Students Own Concept Establishment That Almost Adolencent In The Seventh Year Students Of State Junior High School 1 Comal, Pemalang Regenoy In The Academic Year Of 2008/2009. Keywards : Counseling Grouph Services, Own Concept And Students That Almost Adolescent. This reseach have a background of the problems that is correlated with students own concept, to the mayority of seventh year student of state Junior High School 1 Comal, they still have a low mark in their own concept, it is worried abaut students influence in Junior High School in their process of development. This problem which is shawed in this reseach is " Is the counseling grouph service effective in getting own concept when they grow to be adolencent in the seventh year students of state Junior High School 1 Comal, Pemalang regency in the Academic of 2008/2009". The purpose of this reseach is to know is to know that influences in doing of counseling grouph service which makes own concept in the seventh year students of state Junior High School 1 Comal regency pemalang in the academic of 2008/2009. The population of this reseach takes 320 student of seventh year students of state Junior High School who have low mark in their own concept. So, The propotional random has to be done to get sample. It takes 48 student in sampling. The method of collecting data is used in this reseach, such as guestionnaire, interview and documentation. And the method of analysis data used a patten of t-test statistic. Based on the analysis result,t-test is 10,388 with random of degree 47, while the standartd of significant is 1%, it gets t-test is 2,423 so, t-calculation > t-table ore 10,588 > 2,423. Based on the result, the empty of hypothesis (Ho) is refuced and the work of hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. After carring out the counseling grouph services get respond from students, a lot of student is interested in conseling grouph service process that is done by guiding teacher based on the result, the score of guestionnaire before treatment have been known that students with lack in categories is 32 students or 66,67 %, then the catagorries is 16 sstudents or 33,33% from all the result of sampling that is existing, with the sum of student is 48 student after trestment. All of students attitude are having high categories in own concept. Advised to the headmaster whose school is activing their teacher guiding to active their counseling grouph service have been programmed it's correlating with the wishes of the own concept, it can be formed well, so the condition can achieve the students enjoy in learning and doing conseling grouph service, so it have to inprove the efford when giving service well. All the teacher, guiding and counseling teacher, they always show their counseling grouph service in to therr student consistenly and the students need to activing their support program right and correctly." />