r tabel (0,586 > 0,521). Layanan Bimbingan Anak Usia Dini pada peserta didik TK 'Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 adalah dalam kategori sangat berperan yaitu sejumlah 10 peserta didik karena memiliki nilai 66,66% dari peserta didik yang berjumlah 15. Sikap Kemandirian peserta didik TK 'Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 adalah dalam tingkat kemandirian sedang yaitu sejumlah 12 peserta didik karena memiliki nilai 80% dari subyek penelitian yang berjumlah 15 peserta didik. Inggris : Novi Mukhayati. NPM.1107500800. 2010. Title Skripsi Execution of Tuition Service of At Age Child Early in Development of Independence Attitude in TK Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal of School year 2009/2010". Program Study of Tuition Konseling FKIP UPS Tegal. First Advisor : Dr.Maufur, M.Pd and Second Advisor : Drs. Sugiyanto HN, M.Pd. Keyword : Service of Tuition of Age Child Early and Independence Attitude This research done by in TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of School year 2009/2010. As for its problems about how attitude of competitor independence educated, execution of tuition service in development of independence attitude and level of influence of tuition service in development of attitude of competitor independence educated by in TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of Regency of Tegal of School year 2009/2010. Research Target is wishing to know attitude of competitor independence educated, execution of tuition service in development of independence attitude and level of influence of tuition service in development of attitude of competitor independence educated in TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of Regency of Tegal of School year 2009/2010. To solve the problems, done calculation of through formula of effect Product Moment so that influence of execution of Service of At Age Child Early in Independence Attitude of at competitor educated knowable. To prove it be performed by research of at competitor educated by TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna with amount sampel 15 competitor educated taken through technic sampling so that earn to deputize population amounting to 58 competitor educated. method of Data collecting in this research through documentation, observation and interview about influence of tuition service of at age child early to independence attitude. Execution of service of tuition of Age child early have influence which are positive and signifikan to development of independence attitude in TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of School year 2009/2010, since result analyse known by r tables of at level signifikan 5% N = 15 obtained by equal to 0,521 from calculation r count > r tables ( 0,586 > 0,521). Service of Tuition of Age Child Early at competitor educated by TK 'Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of School year 2009/2010 is in category so central that is an amount of 10 competitor educated by since owning value 66,66% from competitor educated amounting to 15. Attitude of Competitor independence educated by TK ' Aisyiyah Permata Hati Adiwerna of School year 2009/2010 is in independence storey; level is that is an amount of 12 competitor educated by since owning value 80% from subject research amounting to 15 competitor educated." />