r table ) yaitu > 0,361, taraf signifikan 5% yang berarti terdapat peranan konseling agama ( x ) pembentukan tingkat agresivitas siswa ( y ) pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Bustanul Ulum Jatirokeh tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa menolak hipotesis Nol ( Ho) yang mengemukakan " Tidak ada peranan konseling agama terhadap pembentukan tingkat agresivitas siswa di SMP Bustanul Ulum Jatirokeh Brebes tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 dan menerima Hip[otesis kerja ( Ha ) yang mengemukakan " Ada peranan Konseling Agama terhadap pembentukan tingkat Agresivitas siswa di SMP Bustanul Ulum Jatirokeh sonngoom Brebes Tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah peranan Konseling agama dapat mengubah perilaku tingkat agresivitas siswa di sekolah. Inggris : WAKHYUNINGSIH. 2010: The Role of Religion Counseling toward Establishment of Aggressiveness Level of The Eighth Grader Students at SMP Bustanul Ulum Pesantren Al-Falah Jatirokeh Songgom Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010. Keyword: The Role of Religion Counseling, The Aggressiveness Level. The role of religion counseling is purposed to know the process of giving aid in the form of connection and systematic to client in solve the problem which is aimed in order to achieve the ability to realize them; the level is purposed to injure another person who do not want to arise the attitude. Based on the sentence, the writer explained about the complications. They are (1) how is the role of religion to the students at Pesantren Al-Falah Jatirokeh Songgom Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010, (2) Is there the role of religion counseling to aggressiveness level of the students at Pesantren Al-Falah Jatirokeh Songgom Brebes. The purpose is to know the role of religion counseling to aggressiveness level of the students at Pesantren Al-Falah Jatirokeh Songgom Brebes in academic year 2009/2010. The population of this research is all the students of SMP Bustanul Ulum that number in 80 samples. It is taken by the technique of number sample purposive sampling. It is 30 students who have the high aggressiveness level. The variable of this research is the role of religion counseling as free variable and the aggressiveness level as bound variable. The test result is 0.31 rtable 0.361 the good result. The summary of this research is the result of the service giving of religion counseling to the establishment complication of aggressiveness level of the eighth grader students at SMP Bustanul Ulum Pesantren Al-Falah Jatirokeh Songgom Brebes in academic year 2009/2010 is effective. By the result of the research, it was r account = 0.31 by all of respondens N=30 the significan level moment of the price caibical r product for 5? =0,361." />