(r tabel ) 1% = 0,368. yang berarti ada efektifitasnya yang signifikan antara Layanan Bimbingan Sosial Terhadap Kecakapan Sosial Pada Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Al Quddusus Salam Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal , Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 Penulis menyarankan guru bimbingan dan konseling hendaknya lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah , agar out put dari sekolah yang bersangkutan benar - benar memiliki kompetensi yang patut di unggulkan dan diterima di masyarakat sebagai produk unggulan pendidikan. Kepala sekolah hendaknya memberikan dukungan dan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling disekolah, kususnya dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas kecakapan sosial siswa. Siswa diharapkan memanfaatkan serangkaian layanan bimbingan sosial yang diselenggarakan di sekolah guna menunjang proses kelangsungan studinya. Inggris : KARSO, 2010. NPM: 1107500715. thesis entitled "The Effectiveness of Social Counseling Services Social Skills Against The eighth grade students MTs Al Salam Pagerbarang Quddusus Tegal regency, Academic Year 2009/2010". Keywords: social assistance services, social skills. Problems in the writing of this paper are: whether there is the effectiveness of Social Services Guidance on Social Skills In eighth grade students MTs Al Salam Pagerbarang Quddusus Tegal regency, Academic Year 2009/2010 "? Research objectives are: 1) to mengetahi effectiveness of social services counseling services on social skills class VIII MTs Al Quddusus greetings pagerbarang school year 2009/2010. 2) to assess social skills at the eighth grade students MTs Al Quddusus Salam Pagerbarang Tegal regency, 2009/2010 school year. " The population in this study in which all of the students of class VIII MTs Al Quddusus greetings Pagerbarang school year 2009/2010. number 137. a sample is taken some 48 people or 35% of all eighth grade students MTs Al Salam Pagerbarang Quddusus Tegal regency, 2009/2010 school year. "data collection techniques used in this study is a questionnaire, observation, analysis techniques and documentation are data used in this research is correlation Moment Productions Based on this research, it can be taken several conclusions, among others. 1) the successful implementation of the Social Counseling Services Social Skills Against The eighth grade students MTs Al Salam Pagerbarang Quddusus Tegal regency, Academic Year 2009/2010 ". addressed in high-cost category for 3212 which means the score achieved 74.35% of the total score is expected. 2) social skills of students can be measured with the acquisition achieved a score of 3138 or 72.64% of the total score is expected. social skills can be categorized better. 3) the results of testing the hypothesis empirically obtained value product moment (r count) = 0.616> (r table) 1% = 0.368. which means there is a significant effectiveness between Social Counseling Services Social Skills Against The eighth grade students MTs Al Quddusus Salam Pagerbarang Tegal regency, Academic Year 2009/2010. The author recommends guidance and counseling teachers should improve the quality of guidance and counseling in schools, so that output from the respective schools really - really has the proper competence in unggulkan and accepted in society as a product of superior education. Principals should also provide support and facilitate the implementation of guidance and counseling in schools, especially in efforts to improve the quality of student social skills. Students are expected to utilize a set of social counseling services held in schools to support the continuity of their studies." />