rtabel 0,279. Dengan demikian maka Hipotesis Nihil yang menyatakan : "Tidak terdapat pengaruh kondisi keluarga terhadap motivasi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" adalah ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang menyatakan "Terdapat pengaruh kondisi keluarga terhadap motivasi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa VIII SMP Negeri 4 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 sangat berpengaruh dengan kondisi keluarga. Saran yang dapat disampaikan adalah diharapkan orang tua dapat memperbaiki hubungan keluarga dengan anaknya dan memperhatikan anaknya lebih baik dalam kebutuhan pendidikannya, sehingga siswa dapat bermotivasi dalam belajar. Inggris : Indah. Npm 1106500257. 2010. skripsi. influence condition family towards motivation learns class student VIII SMP country 4 Tegal year 2009 / 2010. Drs. Soebianto, M.Pd, suriswo, S.Pd., M.Pd. teacher ship faculty and university education science pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: Family Condition, Motivation Learns. To the background condition family raisings from child need demand existence has matter, like to pay school administration, buy textbook, finance take lessons and parents attention under communication in give child matter need and less pay attention need non child matter in education. So that child motivation at also at home doesn't bloom school. Troubleshoot in this watchfulness how does family condition influence towards motivation learn in class student VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009/2010? While aim from this watchfulness detects family condition influence towards motivation learns in class student VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009 / 2010. Population in this watchfulness is that is entire class students VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009/2010, amount of 194 students widespread in 5 classes. From 194 students taken sample 15% population total as much as 50 students. Data collecting method uses inquiry/questioner; data analysis technique uses formula descriptive presents and correlation product moment. Watchfulness result hits family condition in class student VIII SMP country 4 Tegal in category" good" amount of 23 students or 46 %. while student motivation in class student VIII SMP country 4 Tegal in category "good" amount of 17 students or 34 %. Watchfulness data analysis by using formula product moment so knowable that correlation existence significant between family condition towards this matter student motivation visible from value rcount = 0,561 > rtable 0,279. thereby so hypothesis nil that declare: " not found family condition influence towards class student motivation VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009/2010" averse and get alternative hypothesis that declares" found family condition influence towards class student motivation VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009/2010". Thereby inferential that motivation learn student VIII SMP country 4 school year Tegal 2009/2010 very influential with family condition. suggestion that communicable supposed parents can repair blood relation with the child and pay attention the child better in the education need, so that student can motivation in learn." />