t table = 2,045 dengan demikian hipotesis nihil (Ho) ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif Ada Efektifitas Bimbingan Pribadi Dengan Pendekatan Behavioristik Terhadap Tingkat Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi. Hasil analisis dan pengujian hipotesis berarti terbukti, bahwa layanan bimbingan pribadi termasuk ke dalam kategori cukup efektif dibuktikan dengan angka ketercapaian skor angket sebelum layanan sebesar 3.378 (38,24%) dengan mean 112,6 setelah diberikan layanan angka ketercapaiannya meningkat menjadi 4.303 (71,72%) angka capaian mean sebesar 143,4. Simpulan semakin baik layanan bimbingan pribadi kepada siswa maka semakin tinggi tingkat rasa percaya diri siswa, sebaliknya semakin jelek layanan bimbingan pribadi kepada siswa maka semakin rendah tingkat rasa percaya diri siswa. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah guru BK dapat meningkatkan layanan bimbingan pribadi lebih beratanggung jawab agar dapat mempersembahkan hasil yang optimal dan mampu mengindentifikasi terutama tentang kemauan belajar siswa sehingga dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, dan kemudian mengatasinya secara bersama-sama. Siswa senantiasa menaati semua peraturan di sekolah terutama mengenai pembinaan kepada siswa agar dapat bersosialisasi di sekolah sehingga menjadi pribadi yang unggul, ulet dan berdedikasi tinggi, mengenai penerapan bimbingan pribadi supaya bisa meningkatkan percaya diri siswa perlu disadari oleh setiap siswa. Inggris : Panut. 2010. Thesis have a title" affectivity individual guidance with approaches behaviorist towards class student self confidence taste level VIII SMP country 1 Dukuhturi school year Tegal regency 2009/2010" Progdi: guidance and counseling FKIP UPS Tegal, my guide is Dr. Sitti Hartinah D. S. , M. M, and guide II Suriswo, S. Pd. , M. Pd. Keyword: individual guidance approaches behaviorist, self confidence taste Education aim can reached in an optimal fashion when has self confidence taste tall and has good personality, which efforts only can be done with individual guidance service utilization. Troubleshoot in this watchfulness what's there individual guidance effectiveness with approaches behaviorist towards class student self confidence taste level VIII SMP country 1 Dukuhturi Tegal. Watchfulness aim detect individual guidance effectiveness with approaches behaviorist towards class student self confidence taste level viii smp country 1 Dukuhturi Tegal. Population in this watchfulness is that is entire class students viii that numbers 301 students, stipulating sample random proportional sampling numbers 30 students. Variable watchfulness consists of variable free individual guidance service and variable bound self confidence taste. data collecting technique that method questioner, interview, and documentation. While data analysis method that used statistic with data analysis formula t test. From data analysis result, found calculation t count as big as 8,529. value t count then consultation with t table in standard significant 95% or (5%) with n = 30 where got t table = 2,045 obvious t count =8,529 > t table = 2,045 thereby hypothesis nil (ho) averse and get alternative hypothesis there affectivity individual guidance with approaches behaviorist towards class student self confidence taste level VIII SMP country 1 Dukuhturi. Analysis result and hypothesis testing means proved, that individual guidance service belongs into category enough effective proved with number reached inquiry score before service as big as 3.378 (38,24%) with mean 112,6 after given number service reached increase to be 4.303 (71,72%) performance number mean as big as 143,4. Conclusion more goober individual guidance service to student so student self confidence taste level excelsior, on the contrary more uglier individual guidance service to student so more lower student self confidence taste level. Suggestion that can be recommended teacher BK can increase individual guidance service more responsibility so that can presents optimal result and can identifications especially about will learn student so that can increase self confidence taste, and then overcome it according to together. student always bidding all regulations at school especially hit construction to student so that can socialization at school so that be individual preeminent, tough and dedicated tall, hit individual guidance applications so that can increase student self confidence necessary be realized by every student." />