r tabel 0,553 > 0,195). maka menolak Ho,dan menerima Ha yang mengemukakan 'Ada hubungan yang signifikan peranan pola asuh orang tua dengan pembentukan kemandirian peserta didik SMK PGRI 1 Taman Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009'. Nilai r sebesar 0,553 terletak pada interval koefisien 0,400-0,599 yang menunjukkan adanya tingkat hubungan yang cukup kuat/ cukup erat. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wacana pengetahuan teoritis dan praktis sehingga dapat ditindaklanjuti khususnya di SMK, SMA, SMP/MTs serta SD. Inggris : Priyatni Wiji Astuti/1106500269. Title "The Role of Parents Parenting On The Formation of Independence study of students of SMK Taman PGRI a Pemalang Academic Year 2008-2009". Thesis.Study Program Guidance and Counselling, FKIP UPS Tegal. 2010. Keywords: Patterns of care and learning independence. The formulation of research problems (1) how the role of parenting parents of students of SMK PGRI Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2008/2009?; (2) how the formation of learner independence SMK PGRI Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2008/2009?; (3 ) How is the role of parenting relationship with the formation of self-reliance of parents of students of SMK PGRI Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2008/2009?. The aim of the study (1) to assess the role of parenting parents of students of SMK Taman PGRI a Pemalang District Academic Year 2008/2009, (2) to assess the formation of SMK PGRI Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2008/2009, (3) for know the relationship between parents' parenting role in the formation of learner SMK PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2008/2009. The correlational research approaches, quantitative data. The place of this study in SMK PGRI 1 Pemalang. Total population 1119. Sampel= 120 learners. The Validity of all questionnaire items and old parenting role study of students are valid, as for realibilitasnya obtained r 11 = 0.942 for the role of parents upbringing and self study learners r 11 = 0.966. The relationship between the role of parents with ways to teach learners Independence closely enough indication of the value of r count (correlation rxy) = 0553. Because of r count> 0.553 r table> 0.195). then reject of Ho and accept Ha who argued: 'There is a significant relationship role parenting parents with the formation of learner independence in SMK PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang in Academic Year 2008/2009'. R value of 0.553 lies in the interval 0.400 to 0.599 coefficient which shows the level of relationship that is strong enough. This research is expected to provide theoretical knowledge and practical discourse that can be followed up particularly in vocational, high school, junior high school and elementary school." />