0,361 pada taraf signifikasi 5% dengan jumlah N = 44. hal ini menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara pelaksanaan bimbingan karier dengan arah pilih siswa dalam menentukan sekolah lanjutan SMA/SMK bagi siswa SMP Negeri 2 Jatibarang tahun pelajaran 2008/2009. Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan pihak sekolah, guru pembimbing, rang tua siswa, dan masyarakat luas guna meningkatkan bimbingan terhadap anak supaya semuanya dapat menentukan arah pilih karier yang dikehendaki dan dapat meraih kesuksesan dalam dunia pendidikan. Inggris : Andries Supriyatna. 2010. "Studies on the role of career guidance in schools continue SMA / SMK (descriptive analytic study in class IX students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatibarang Kab. Brebes year 2008/2009". Advisors I Dra. Sri Sumarsih, M. Pd and Advisors II, Drs. Sukoco KW. The tendency of the problems the role of career guidance to the direction of select students in continuing the high school / vocational school, so this research is to find out there - whether or not the role of career guidance to the direction of select students in continuing high school / vocational school students in class IX SMP Negeri 2 Jatibarang Kab. Brebes year 2008/2009. The study population consists of students of class IX students of the 233rd, research sample taken in a stratified proportional random sampling from 90 people, comprising of six classes where each class represented by 15 students. Variable research consists of one free variable, career guidance and a variable bound high school senior high school / vocational school. Data collection using questionnaires or questionnaire techniques. Analysis techniques to data analysis using Karl Pearson product moment. Appropriate descriptive analysis can be concluded that career guidance in schools is striving significantly to the direction of select students in determining the choice to continue on to high school / vocational school. Quantitative data analysis results show that the coefficient is greater than the coefficient rxy rtabel (0.461> 0.361 at 5% level of significance with the number N = 44. This shows that there are significant effect between the implementation of career guidance in determining the direction of select students in secondary schools high school / vocational school for students of SMP Negeri 2 Jatibarang year 2008/2009. From the results of this study suggested that schools, teachers' guides, now parents, and the wider community to increase assistance to children so they can determine the direction select the desired career and be successful in education" />