ttabel 2,021 sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, maka hipotesis nihil yang berbunyi: "Bimbingan kelompok tidak berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bumijawa tahun pelajaran 2009/2010" dinyatakan ditolak; dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang berbunyi: "Bimbingan kelompok berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi bagi remaja pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bumijawa tahun pelajaran 2009/2010". Diharapkan Guru dapat menerapkan bimbingan kelompok dengan benar dan sesuai. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar siswa akan lebih mudah bisa menerima setiap masukan dan saran dari orang lain terutama pada siswa yang jarang berkomunikasi dalam hal pelajaran di kelas. Inggris : Syaekhu, Akh. 1107500795.2010. Thesis. Group guidance execution influence towards ability communicating in class student VIII SMP country 2 bumijawa Tegal regency school year 2009/2010. My guide is Drs. Sukoco KW. Guide II Suriswo M. Pd. guidance direction and counseling. Teacher Ship Faculty And University Education Science Pancasakti Tegal. Keyword: Group Guidance, ability communicating Background student quantity that has ability communicating unfavorable, so that many students experiences problem ably communicating in general propose that them doesn't has tall hope towards the academic career. This watchfulness internal issue formulation how does ability communicating class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa Tegal regency before and after group guidance gift? This watchfulness aim detects ability communicating class student viii SMP country 2 Bumijawa Tegal regency before and after group guidance gift. This watchfulness population is that is class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa school year Tegal regency 2009/2010 as much as 268 students. sample in watchfulness from population as much as 268 students from each class is multiplying 15% 40 students. Ability communicating for class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa (in watchfulness sample) before done group guidance category in distance enough proved inquiry score as big as 2.602 averagely inquiry score 65,05 or in percent 65,05%. ability communicating in class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa school year 2009/2010 (in watchfulness sample) increase into category distance "Good" proved with reach inquiry score achieves 2.886 averagely as big as 7,65 with present's as big as 7,65%. Analysis result and hypothesis testing in watchfulness sample be got tcount 3,384 > ttable 2,021 so that can be said that group guidance execution very effective in increase ability communicating student. based on calculation, so hypothesis nil that sound: "guidance group not effective to increase ability communicating in class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa school year 2009/2010" declared to aversed; and get alternative hypothesis that sounds: "guidance effective group to increase ability communicating for adolescent in class student VIII SMP country 2 Bumijawa school year 2009/2010". Supposed teacher can apply group guidance truly and appropriate. This matter will be meant so that student easier can get every input and suggestion from another person especially in student seldom communicating in the case of lesson at class." />