0,304). Kemudian saran yang dianjurkan adalah bagi pihak sekolah terutama guru pembimbing, hendaknya memberikan pendamping dan lebih memperhatikan kepercayaan diri siswa, salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengadakan bimbingan kelompok. Guru pembimbing juga hendaknya mengadakan kegiatan yang menarik sehingga siswa dapat secara sukarela mengikuti kegiatan bimbingan kelompok dan guru pembimbing juga hendaknya menindaklanjuti kegiatan bimbingan kelompok dengan mengadakan konseling kelompok, mengingat siswa telah berani terbuka. Hendaknya siswa yang kurang memiliki kepercayaan diri, mau mengikuti kegiatan bimbingan kelompok dan kegiatan yang diadakan disekolah untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dirinya. Inggris : JAYANTI SRI, 1107500732 (2010). The study titled "Correlation Studies on Improving Self-Esteem Throught Youth Guidance At High School Student in Class X high school PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010". Thesis Study Program Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education and Pedagogy University Pancasakti Tegal. Keywords : Correlation, Confidence, Adolescests, Tutoring Group The principal problem in there a correlation between the increase in adolescent self esteem through groupcounseling in class X high school PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010. The goal to be achieved is to know the implementation of guidaance services groups in dealing with students who luck confidence in class X High School PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010 To support these studies, then some of the concepts put forward incude, understanding the characteristics of people are confident and not confident, not confident symtoms, types of self-confidence, foster self-confidence, how to build self-confidence through education in school. The hypothesis is that there are relationships increase confidence through the guidance of youth groups in class X high school PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010. All the student of class X which is also used as a sample population of 42 research students. Collecting data using a questionnaire, the engineering using analisis product moment. Based on the results of this study concluded that there was a significant correlation between the increase in adolescent self-esteem through group counselling in class X high school PGRI 1 Taman Pemalang Academic Year 2009/2010. This isevidenced by the calculation results of the analysis using product moment count r-valued = 0,313, then calculalate the value r-valued consultation with r-table the theoritical value at significant level 5 % for N = 42 is the r-table = 0,304 was calculated r-value more larger than the r-table (0,313 > 0,304). Then suggestions are recommented for the schools, especially teacher mentors, facillitator and should give more attention to students' self confidence, one way is to conduct group counselling.Teacher mentors also should make interesting activities so that students can voluntarity participate in group activities and teacher guidance counselors should also follow up by conducting group counseling activities group counseling, considering that students have dared to open. Should students who lack self-confidence, willing to follow the guidance of group activities held in schools to boost her confidence." />