tabel ) yaitu 0.820 > 0.312, taraf signifikan 5% yang berarti terdapat pengaruh bimbingan karier (X) terhadap Kemandirian siswa dalam arah pilih karier (Y). Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa menolak Hipotesis Nol (Ho) yang mengemukakan "Tidak ada pengaruh bimbingan karier terhadap kemandirian siswa pada siswa kelas XI SMA N 3 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010" dan menerima hipotesis kerja (Ha) yang mengemukakan "Ada pengaruh bimbingan karier terhadap kemandirian siswa dalam arah pilih karier pada siswa kelas XI SMA N 3 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah meningkatkan pelaksanaan bimbingan karier dalam rangka membentuk kemandirian siswa kaitannya dalam arah pilih karier sehingga siswa dapat mandiri dalam memilih dan menentukan pilihan kariernya ke depan Inggris : Seftiyono, Anggi. 2010, NPM: 1106500289, Thesis title "Effect of Self-Reliance Student Career Guidance in Career Direction Select XI High School Student Class At N 3 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010". Keywords : Influence of Career Guidance, Independence of Students in Career Direction Select Implementation of a career guidance in schools by teachers Guidance and Counseling as an effort to enhance the autonomy of students select a career in that direction so that students can choose and determine his career choice in accordance with the interests, talents and abilities. The problem posed in this research is there influence on the independence of Guidance and Counselling Students in Career Direction Select XI High School Student Class At N 3 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010. The aim of the study was to determine how the condition of the implementation of career guidance, how the independence of select students in career direction and magnitude of the effect of career guidance to students in the direction of independence of select careers in high school students of class XI N 3 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010. The population in this study are all students of class XI which amounts to 40 students by taking 15% of the population. Variable observation variables influence career guidance and the dependent variable in the direction of independence students select a career. The research method used is the questionnaire method as a primary method, while the interviews and documentation as supporting methods. Data analysis method used is a product moment correlation formula. From the results of data analysis, obtained by counting the number of respondents = 0820 N = 40, r product moment criticism price level of significant 5% = 0312. This shows that in fact greater than the table or (count> table) that is 0820> 0312, 5% significant level, which means there is the influence of career guidance (X) towards independence in the students select a career direction (Y). Thus it can be said that rejecting the Null Hypothesis (Ho) that suggests "there is no effect on the independence of career guidance of students in class XI SMA N 3 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010" and accept the working hypothesis (Ha) that suggests "There is the influence of career guidance towards independence in the direction of students select a career in high school students of class XI N 3 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010. Suggestions that can be recommended is to improve the implementation of career guidance in order to establish independence in relation to students choose a career direction so that students can be independent in selecting and determining the future career choices." />