r tabel yaitu 0.66 > 0.361, yang berarti terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan persepsi pemberian bimbingan belajar terhadap pembentukan kedisiplinan siswa kelas XI SMA N 5 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. jadi dikatakan bahwa menolak Hipotesis Nol (Ho) yang mengemukakan " Tidak ada pengaruh secara signifikan persepsi siswa tentang pemberian bimbingan belajar terhadap pembentukan kedisiplinan siswa kelas XI SMA N 5 Tagal tahun pelajaran 2009/2010" dan menerima hipotesis kerja (Ha) yang mengemukakan " Ada pengaruh secara signifikanpersepsi siswa tentang pemberian bimbingan belajar terhadap pembentukan kedisiplinan siswa kelas XI SMA N 5 Tagal tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Selain itu ditemukan juga tingkat pengaruh bimbingan belajar pada siswa dalam kategori sedang, distribusi frekuensi pengaruh sebesar 23,33% berada dikategori sedang, tingkat kedisiplinan belajar siswa dalam kategori tinggi, distribusi frekuensi sebesar 36,6% berada dikategori tinggi. Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah bahwa Guiru Bimbingan Konseling diharap dapat memberi perhatiannya dalam membimbing terutama dalam memberikan arahan untuk dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa sehingga siswa dapat berperilaku lebih baik. Inggris : SETIYONO, WIWIT. 2010. Thesis title "Effect of Tutoring on Student Disciplinary Formation Class XI SMA N 5 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010". Keywords: Delivery Tutoring, Disciplinary Formation Discipline is necessary, either at school, at home, in the environment around the dwelling. Tutoring services provided by looking at the backgrounds of the students are easily influenced by the provision of tutoring services relating to the discipline.The problem posed in this research is About Giving Is there Tutoring Effect On Student Disciplinary Formation Class XI SMA N 5 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010. The aim of the study was to determine how the implementation of tutoring condition, and level of influence on the formation of disciplinary tutoring students of class XI SMA N 5 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010 The population in this study are all students of XI class numbering 209 students, the sample was set at 30 students as respondents. Variable observation perception variables and the dependent variable tuition formation of student discipline. The research method used is the questionnaire method as a primary method, while the interviews and documentation as supporting methods. Data analysis method used is a product moment correlation formula. From the results of data analysis, obtained = 0660 and after consultation in the r table, N = 30, level of significance 5% = 0361, count> r table in which 0.66> 0361, which means there is a significant influence perceptions of giving guidance to learn to discipline students of class formation XI SMA N 5 Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010. so it is said that reject the Null Hypothesis (Ho), who proposed "No significant effect on student perceptions of learning guidance to the formation of XI class student discipline SMA N 5 tagal 2009/2010 academic year" and accept the working hypothesis (Ha) that suggests "There is signifikanpersepsi influence students' learning about giving guidance on the formation of XI class student discipline SMA N 5 tagal 2009/2010 school year. Also found also influence the level of learning guidance to students in the medium category, the influence of the frequency distribution of 23.33% was classified as moderate, the level of student discipline in the high category, the frequency distribution of 36.6% were classified as high. Suggestions that can be recommended is that Guiru Guidance Counseling can be expected to give its attention in the lead, especially in providing direction to improve student discipline so that students can behave better." />