dari ttabel batas penolakan dengan taraf signifikan 5% d.b 29 yaitu 2,045 sehingga disimpulkan hasil penelitian ini menolak hipotesis nihil "tidak ada efektifitas tingkat percaya diri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan bimbingan pribadi pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi tahun pelajaran 2009/2010"; dan menerima hipotesis alternatif "ada efektifitas tingkat percaya diri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan bimbingan pribadi pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi tahun pelajaran 2009/2010". Peningkatan rasa percaya diri siswa sebelum treatmen diperoleh mean 80,77 dan setelah treatmen sebesar 101,67 sehingga terdapat peningkatan rasa percaya diri sebesar 20,56%. Saran yang dapat diberikan terhadap Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi adalah agar memberikan dukungan kepada guru Bimbingan Konseling untuk melakukan layanan bimbingan pribadi dengan lebih baik lagi dalam rangka meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa. Dengan layanan bimbingan pribadi diharapkan siswa juga akan lebih bisa mematuhi peraturan-peraturan sekolah. Inggris : WARYATNO. Thesis. The Effectivity Of Individual Counceling In Improving The Seventh Grader Of State Junior High School Of Dukuhturi 1 Tegal Regency In The Academic Years 2009/2010 Confidence In Sports Subject. Counceling Department Of Pancasakti University Tegal. Keyword: Confidence, Individual Counseling The problem of the research is whether individual counseling is effective to improve the seventh graders students of State Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 in the academic year 2009/2010 confidence in sports subject. The objective of the study is to find out whether individual counseling is effective to improve the seventh graders students of State Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 in the academic year 2009/2010 confidence in sports subject. The research population is 324 seventh grader students of State Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 which was taken 18% for the research sample: 60 students. The number of the research sample was divided into two groups: 1) 30 students as the control group; and 2) 30 students as the experimental group. There are 2 hypotheses in this research: 1) the null hypothesis "the individual counseling is not efective in forming of self confidence of sport for seven grade of the state Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1" and 2) the alternative hypothesis "the individual counseling is efective in forming of self confidence of sport for seven grade of the state Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1". 30 test items was conducted in tryout test, 28 test items were valid and reliable based on the validity and reliability computation and was used for the test to collect the data of the research. The research divided in 3 phases: pre-test, treatments, and post-test. The control group was given ordinary teaching and learning activities and the experimental group was given teaching and learning activities with individual counseling. The result of this research shows that the experimental group got better achievement than the control group reflected in scores and computation. Based on the computation the obtained tvalue is 21.283 and the tcritical value based on the table in 29 degree of freedom and 5% (0.05) alpha level was 2.045. Since the obtained tvalue is higher than the tcritical value so the null hypothesis "there is not efective in improving seventh grader students of State Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 confidence in sports subject" is rejected; and accepted the alternative hypothesis "there is efective in improving seventh grader students of State Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 confidence in sports subject". The mean score of the experimental group before the treatment is 80.77 and after treatment is 101.67, so there is 20.56% improvement. A recommendation for the Headmaster of Junior High School of Dukuhturi 1 is to give support for counselors to conduct better individual counseling in purpose to improve the students' confidence. With individual counseling the students will also obey the rules of the school." />