2,021). Ada pengaruh yang positif antara minat membaca siswa terhadap prestasi membaca siswa pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Kalinyamat Wetan 01 Tegal pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Inggris : ALLYF PUTRI WIBOWO. "The Effects of Students' Reading Interest to Their Reading Achievement in the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Kalinyamat Wetan 01 Tegal Resident in Academic Year 2009/2010".(2010) Thesis. Strata 1 Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Key word : Students' reading interest, in reading achievement The research is to know whether there is positive effect of students' reading interest in their reading achievement of the fifth grade students of SD N Kalinyamat Wetan 01 Tegal resident in academic year 2009/2010. The hypothesis of this research is that the students who have high reading interest get better reading achievement than the students who has low reading interest of the fifth grade students of SD N Kalinyamat Wetan 01 Tegal resident, in academic year 2009/2010. The population is the whole fifth grade students of SD N Kalinyamat Wetan 01Tegal resident in academic year 2009/2010. The number of the population is 52 students. The random sampling technique is used to take the sample. There are 40 students as the sample; they are divided into two groups. Each group has 20 members. The first group consists of the students who have high reading interest and the second group consists of the students who have low reading interest in reading achievement. The data of the research is gained by using reading written test. The writer uses t-test analysis and level of significance (?) 5%. The score t-test is 3,353 and consulate with n = 40, it shows t-table is 2,021. It means that t - test is higher than t-table (3,353>2,021). There is positive effect of students' reading interest in their reading achievement students of the fifth grade students of SD N Kalinyamat Wetan 01. TEGAL resident, in academic year 2009/2010." />