2,026). Oleh karena itu dapat di simpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian di terima. Dengan demikian dapat di simpulkan bahwa penerapan metode deduktive pada siswa kelas V efektif dan memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa inggris pada siswa kelas V tahun akademik 2009/2010. Inggris : ANDAR MAULINA 2010:"The Effect Of Applying Deductive Method Toward Students English Ability" An Experimental Study at Fifth Grade of SD N Kedungsugih 01 Kecamatan Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010). A final project 2010, program strata I, faculty of Teacher And Training And Education , Pancasakti University Tegal. Key words: Effect Deductive method, The Teaching of English Ability. The purpose of the research is to know how the effect of applying Deductive method toward English ability from the fifth grade of SDN Kedungsugih 01, Pagerbarang,Tegal. Based of the theories background and logical frame work, the hypothesis of the research is purpose follow: " The Fifth Grade From SDN Kedungsugih 01 Have Positive Effect Of Applying Deductive Method In Academic Years 2009/2010" The Population From SDN Kedungsugih 01 And SDN Kedungsugih 02 Pagerbarang, Tegal In Academic Years 2009/2010. The Total Number from SDN Kedungsugih 01 and SDN Kedungsugih 02 Pagerbarang, Tegal are 70 students. The samples are taken by using random sampling technique which consist of 40 students from SDN Kedungsugih 01 and from SDN Kedungsugih 02, from this the writer divided the sample into two groups, and each group consist of 20 students. These are group I as Experiment who where taught through deductive method and group II as control were taught thought inductive method. Then both of them were given the same written test.. The data of the research is obtained 30 items written English ability test in multiple choice from with four options. To find out the reliability and validity of the instrument, the writer gives the test to other 20 the fifth of students from SDN Krasak 03 in academic years 2009/2010, who are same competence with the sample of the research. The data of this research is gained from the writing test that was given to the sample of the research.To analyze the data, the writer used t-test to know the difference between the two groups. Based on the result of the data analysis, The result of the test computation is: the means of groups I is 67,67 and group II is 61,00 is, t-ratio is 2,390 with the degree of freedom (df) 38 and the level of significance 5%, and the table is 2.026. It means that t-ratio is higher that t-table (2,390 > 2.026). It can be concluded that the hypothesis of the research is accepted. The conclusion of the research is students who are taught through deductive method have better English ability from the students who were taught through inductive method in fifth grade of SDN Kedungsugih 01 pagerbarang, Tegal in academic years 2009/2010." />