t tabel (1,96) pada taraf signifikansi 5% yang dapat disimpulkan hipotesis dapat diterima yaitu ada perbedaan yang signifikan model pembelajaran STAD dengan pemanfaatan media kartu terhadap Prestasi belajar matematika pada siswa kelas VIII MTs Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang. Inggris : MUHAMMAD IRFAN ZIDNI, 2010. " The Effectiveness Of Cooperative Learning Process Student Team Achievment Division (STAD) Type Using Card Media to Increase Student Achievement (A Case of Study MTs Asy-Syafi'iyyah VIII Class Second Semester students Jatibarang Brebes Year 2009/2010)", Final Project. Mathematics Education, Drs. Ponoharjo, M.Pd. Munadi M,Si, Faculty of Teachership and Science Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Keyword : Effectiveness, Model Cooperative Type STAD, Mathematics Education. The purpose of this research is to know is there any between student Achievement that using Learnig model STAD using card media and to know the effectiveness of using card media in STAD learning process to increase student Achievement than convensional learning. The population of this research was student VIII class semester II MTs Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang Brebes year 2009/2010 that population numbers are 320 students. From 320 student mentioned take by sample random, as many 80 students which take from 2 cluster. Every cluster consist of 40 student. Class VIII A as experiment cluster and VIII B as control cluster. The methods that used are documentation and tes.. Data Analysis technique which used is prerequisite tes which consist of Normalitas Tes and Homogenitas Tes, to Tes Hipotesys applying for Test t table. The result of the research shows based t-tes there is any significant differences in mathematics study acievment between experiment cluster and control cluster, this was based on the asimpdron from average experiment cluster was 7,48 and grup control was 7,03 so there were any differenes on the average that was 0,45. This research t-count (3,426) > t-table (1,96) this research 5 % which there was any Hypothesis could be accepted which there was any significant differences on STAD learning model using card media on mathematics study achievement in the students of MTs Asy-Syafi'iyyah VIII class Jatibarang." />